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[英]Django model foreign key to Superuser

I have a django model Request which has a field Approver which is set to the User which has the superuser status. 我有一个Django模型Request,它的字段Approver设置为具有超级用户状态的User。 I would like to assign value to this field automatically such that it rotates among the project admins. 我想自动为该字段分配值,以使其在项目管理员之间轮换。 Any suggestions are welcome. 欢迎任何建议。 Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

A easy solution that comes to my mind is just in the html template that uses the request model, you can do a function that evaluates a possible asigned user.. something like that: 1. Add a field in your request model that is a foreign key to your user model Example: 我想到的一个简单解决方案就是使用请求模型的html模板中,您可以执行一个函数来评估可能的分配用户..像这样:1.在请求模型中添加一个外部字段用户模型的关键示例:

class Request(models.Model):
some other code...
    assigned_user=models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

And add an asigned boolean in your User Model: 并在用户模型中添加一个赋值布尔值:

class User(models.Model):
  1. Then in your html code for creating a request: 然后在您的html代码中创建请求:

You can do something like: 您可以执行以下操作:

{% for user in Users %}
    {% if user.isAdmin %}
        {% if not user.assigned %}
            <input name="request.varName">{{User.id}}</input>
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Remember that in your view you have to call the request model and your Users model.. You can achieve this in this way: 请记住,您必须在视图中调用请求模型和用户模型。您可以通过以下方式实现此目的:

class RequestCreate(CreateView):
    ... some other code..
        def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
            context = super(RequestCreate, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
            context['Users'] = User.objects.all()
            #context['venue_list'] = Venue.objects.all()
            #context['festival_list'] = Festival.objects.all()
            # And so on for more models
    return context

I hope to be usefull here. 我希望在这里有用。

You can pass functions as defaults. 您可以将函数作为默认值传递。 Define a function like so 像这样定义一个函数

def default_func():
    last_assigned = Request.objects.latest().Approver # gets latest assigned Approver
    # the below if statement always looks for the next superuser pk
    if User.objects.filter(is_superuser=True, pk__gt=last_assigned.pk).exists():
        next_assigned_superuser = User.objects.filter(is_superuser=True, pk__gt=last_assigned.pk)\
    # if there isn't a superuser with a higher pk than the last_assigned_superuser, it will choose
    # the superuser below or equal to it with the lowest pk. This will handle the case where there is
    # only one superuser without any fuss.
        next_assigned_superuser = User.objects.filter(is_superuser=True, pk__lte=last_assigned.pk) \

    return next_assigned_superuser

and add this to your Approver field: 并将其添加到您的审批者字段中:

# you must pass the function without parenthesis at the end, or else it will
# set the default to whatever the value is at server run time. 
# If you pass the function itself, it will be evaluated every time a 
# default is needed.
Approver = models.ForeignKey(User, default=default_func)

Edit: Added a return value to default_func. 编辑:将返回值添加到default_func。 Whoops. 哎呀

I wrote a function in the Admin form which sets the approver to the User which has the least ammount of requests. 我在Admin表单中编写了一个函数,该函数将批准者设置为请求数量最少的User。 Works fine for me. 对我来说很好。

def get_recipient(self):

    approvers = User.objects.annotate(num_of_requests=models.Count('model_field_related_name')).order_by('num_of_requests')
    return approvers.first()

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