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在iOS ffmpeg框架中反交错

[英]Deinterlacing in iOS ffmpeg framework

since av_picture_deinterlace became deprecated, i have a problem figuring out how exactly I can apply filter to an AVFrame, especially deinterlace filter in ios. 由于av_picture_deinterlace已被弃用,我在确定如何将滤镜应用于AVFrame时遇到问题,尤其是ios中的去隔行滤镜。 Sample code would be really helpfull 示例代码非常有用

See the answer to this question on Stack Overflow. 请参阅Stack Overflow上此问题答案 It has everything apart from avfilter_register_all() to make it work. 除了avfilter_register_all()之外,它还具有一切功能。

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