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如何获取Google API使用情况的提醒?

[英]How can I get alerts for my Google API usage?

This week my API stopped making requests to the Google API, see the usage graph below: 本周我的API停止向Google API发出请求,请参阅下面的使用情况图:


Is there a way I can setup alerts on the data that is reported to me in the above graph? 有没有办法可以在上图中向我报告的数据上设置警报?

  • Alert me when usage is below a threshold? 当使用率低于阈值时提醒我?
  • Alert me when usage is above a threshold? 当使用率超过阈值时提醒我?
  • Alert me when we encounter an error of X type? 当我们遇到X型错误时提醒我?

There is no API for the Google Developer console sadly the only thing that is close would be the Google Cloud Resource Manager API which doesn't give you the information you are looking for. 谷歌开发者控制台没有API,唯一可以接近的是Google云资源管理器API ,它不会为您提供所需的信息。

There is also no alert within the Google Developer console. Google Developer Console中也没有提醒。 That being said this is an awesome idea. 据说这是一个很棒的主意。 In the upper right hand corer of the Google developer console there is a speech bubble with an i in it. 在Google开发者控制台的右上角中,有一个带有i的语音气泡。 Click on it and send feedback. 点击它并发送反馈。 Google does listen to feed back from developers lets request a notification feature. 谷歌确实收听开发人员反馈请求通知功能。

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