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[英]How can I return a reference to a local variable specifying that its lifetime is the same as self?

I'd like to write some code like below 我想写一些下面的代码

struct SomeData(u8, u8);

impl SomeData {
    fn to_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
        let mut bytes: [u8; 16] = [0; 16];

        // fill up buffer with some data in `SomeData`.
        bytes[0] = self.0;
        bytes[1] = self.1;

        // return slice

I know the reason why above code doesn't work. 我知道上述代码无法正常工作的原因。 How can I return a reference specifying that its lifetime is the same as self ? 如何返回指定其生存期与self相同的引用?

Explicit lifetime annotation of a reference cannot extend lifetime of an object it refers to. 引用的显式生存期注释不能延长其引用的对象的生存期。 bytes is a local variable and it will be destroyed when function ends. bytes是局部变量,函数结束时将被销毁。

One option is to return an array 一种选择是返回一个数组

fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8;16] {
    // return array

Another one is to pass mutable slice into function 另一个是将可变切片传递给功能

fn to_bytes(&self, bytes: &mut [u8]) {

When you want a function to return a reference: 当您希望函数返回引用时:

fn to_bytes(&self) -> &[u8]

It is possible only if that reference points to its argument (in this case self ), because it has a longer lifetime than the function. 仅当该引用指向其参数(在这种情况下为self )时才有可能,因为它的寿命比该函数更长。 Example (with a slice-friendly SomeData ): 示例(具有切片友好的SomeData ):

struct SomeData([u8; 16]);

impl SomeData {
    fn to_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {

In your case you are attempting to return a slice of a local variable and since that variable's lifetime ends by the time the to_bytes function returns, the compiler refuses to provide a reference to it. 在您的情况下,您尝试返回一个局部变量的切片,并且由于该变量的生命周期在to_bytes函数返回时结束,因此编译器拒绝提供对其的引用。

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