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[英]LocalNofication sound in CN1

Neither on Android nor on iOS the sound file referenced by a LocalNotification instance is played (check the sample code below). 在Android和iOS上都没有播放LocalNotification实例引用的声音文件(请查看下面的示例代码)。 On Android the system's standard sound is played. 在Android上播放系统的标准声音。 Anyone knows what I am doing wrong here? 谁知道我在做错了什么?

protected void postMain(Form f) {

    Container contentPane = f.getContentPane();
    contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout(BorderLayout.CENTER_BEHAVIOR_CENTER_ABSOLUTE));

    Button btn = new Button("create Notification");
    btn.addActionListener((e) -> {
        scheduleNotification(Display.getInstance(), 0, "Title", "Body", "notification_sound_file.mp3", System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000);

    contentPane.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, btn);

private void scheduleNotification(Display dsp, int nId, String nTitle, String nBody, String soundFileName, long scheduleTime) {

    LocalNotification ntf = new LocalNotification();
    ntf.setId(nId + " " + scheduleTime);
    ntf.setAlertBody(nBody + " " + scheduleTime);
    ntf.setAlertSound("/" + soundFileName);
    Log.p("scheduling ntf ("+nTitle+","+ ntf.getAlertBody() +","+ ntf.getAlertSound());
    dsp.scheduleLocalNotification(ntf, scheduleTime, LocalNotification.REPEAT_NONE);

Note: notification_sound_file.mp3 does exist in my default package! 注意:我的默认包中确实存在notification_sound_file.mp3

If you want to get the sound file from device storage, then it can't detect directly Instead of using this 如果你想从设备存储中获取声音文件,那么它无法直接检测而不是使用它

ntf.setAlertSound("/" + soundFileName);

Try this 尝试这个

ntf.setAlertSound(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "Folder_Name/" + soundFileName);

This will locate your file and your specific sound will play. 这将找到您的文件,您的特定声音将播放。 One more thing add "android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" permission also in manifest. 还有一件事是在清单中添加“android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE”权限。 Best of luck. 祝你好运。

The sound file needs to be a path to a file in FileSystemStorage which must always be fully qualified. 声音文件必须是FileSystemStorage中文件的路径,该文件必须始终完全限定。 You need to copy the file into the filesystem ideally under the app directory see https://www.codenameone.com/how-do-i-use-storage-file-system-sql.html 您需要将文件理想地复制到文件系统的app目录下,请参阅https://www.codenameone.com/how-do-i-use-storage-file-system-sql.html

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