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[英]Disabled Twilio loudspeaker audio/video call in iOS

While doing video/audio call using Twilio then by default it's place the voice over loudspeaker also the call has lot of noise. 在使用Twilio进行视频/音频通话时,默认情况下,将声音放在扬声器上,通话会产生很多噪音。

I want to override the loudspeaker and also to minimize the noise. 我想超越扬声器,并尽量减少噪音。

Twilio developer evangelist here. Twilio开发人员布道者在这里。

You can set the audio output for Twilio Video using the TVIAudioController . 您可以使用TVIAudioController 设置Twilio Video的音频输出 If you set the audioOutput to TVIAudioOutputVoiceChatDefault then the audio should come out of the phone speaker, not the loudspeaker. 如果将audioOutput设置为TVIAudioOutputVoiceChatDefault则音频应该来自电话扬声器,而不是扬声器。

As for noise, I'm not sure how to help you there. 至于噪音,我不确定该如何帮助您。 Do you mean the voice is distorted? 你是说声音失真了吗? Or that you are hearing background noise? 还是您听到背景噪音?

(Posted answer on behalf of the question author). (代表问题作者发布答案)。

TVIAudioController *audioController = [TVIAudioController sharedController]; 
[audioController setAudioOutput:TVIAudioOutputVoiceChatDefault]; 
//[audioController setAudioOutput:TVIAudioOutputVideoChatDefault];

The sound problem is due to same place where we are testing. 声音问题是由于我们要测试的地方相同。

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