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[英]R - Test if value is the same as the one in the cell above

I have the following df: 我有以下df:

name   color
A      red 
B      red
C      green
D      red
E      red
F      red

And I want to test the values in the 'color' column to see if they're the same as the values in the row above and write to a new column... I can do so using the following: 我想测试“颜色”列中的值,看它们是否与上一行中的值相同,然后写入新列...我可以使用以下方法进行操作:

> df$same <- ifelse(df$color == df$color[c(NA,1:(nrow(df)-1))], 1, 0)

To give me: 给我:

name   color  same
A      red      NA
B      red       1
C      green     0
D      red       0
E      red       1
F      red       1

But is there a cleaner way to do it? 但是,有没有更清洁的方法呢? (I use this all the time)... (我经常用这个)...

You can try the lag function from dplyr package. 您可以尝试使用dplyr软件包中的lag功能。 You can create a new column with the values of the row above and after compare them, 您可以使用上面一行的值创建一个新列,然后将它们进行比较,

> dt$color_above <- lag(dt$color, n=1)

> dt   

  name color color_above
1    A   red        <NA>
2    B   red         red
3    C green         red
4    D   red       green
5    E   red         red
6    F   red         red

Or solve the issue directly, you can use the pipe-operators from magrittr package. 或者直接解决问题,您可以使用magrittr软件包中的管道操作magrittr It is still verbose, but i think it keeps the code more clear. 它仍然很冗长,但是我认为它使代码更清晰。

> dt %$%  
    { color == lag(color, n=1) } %>% 
    as.numeric() %>% 
    {.} -> dt$same

> dt

  name color same
1    A   red   NA
2    B   red    1
3    C green    0
4    D   red    0
5    E   red    1
6    F   red    1

Adding to Rafael's answer, you can use ifelse with dplyr::mutate : 添加到Rafael的答案中,可以将ifelsedplyr::mutate

> dt <- data_frame(name = c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'), color = c('red', 'red', 'green', 'red', 'red', 'red'))
> dt
# A tibble: 6 x 2
   name color
  <chr> <chr>
1     A   red
2     B   red
3     C green
4     D   red
5     E   red
6     F   red
> dt %>% mutate(same = ifelse(color == lag(color), 1, 0))
# A tibble: 6 x 3
   name color  same
  <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1     A   red    NA
2     B   red     1
3     C green     0
4     D   red     0
5     E   red     1
6     F   red     1

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