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[英]Mobx react never update

I'm trying to understand mobx implementation in React. 我试图了解React中的mobx实现。 I used create react app and update default configuration to use decorators. 我使用create react app并更新默认配置以使用装饰器。 Then I created a simple store like this : 然后我创建了一个像这样的简单商店:

EDIT : after Ben Hare (thanks to him !) reply I updated my code like this : 编辑:Ben Hare(感谢他!)回复后,我更新了我的代码,如下所示:

index.js index.js

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
import MessageStore from "./store/messages";

ReactDOM.render(<App store={new MessageStore()} />, 

** App.js ** ** App.js **

import React from "react";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";

export default class App extends React.Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.store = props.store;

    render() {
        return <ul>
            { this.store.allMessages.map((msg) => {
                return <li key={msg}>{msg}</li>

messages.js messages.js

import {action, observable, computed} from "../../node_modules/mobx/lib/mobx";

export default class MessageStore {

    @observable messages = ["My first message"];

    constructor() {
        setInterval(() => {
            // Add some random messages every second
        }, 1000);

    @action addMessage(msg) {

    @computed get allMessages() {
        return this.messages;


The first message is displayed, but component never update when setInterval add message into the store. 显示第一条消息,但是当setInterval将消息添加到存储中时,组件永远不会更新。 Can you help me ? 你能帮助我吗 ?

Works for me: 为我工作:

https://codesandbox.io/s/LgQXNBnNW https://codesandbox.io/s/LgQXNBnNW

Did you see any errors in the browser log or terminal? 您是否在浏览器日志或终端中看到任何错误?

Check my approach please. 请检查我的方法。 Maybe it will help: MobX store: 也许会有所帮助:MobX商店:

import { action, observable, runInAction } from 'mobx'

class DataStore {
  @observable data = null
  @observable error = false
  @observable fetchInterval = null
  @observable loading = false

  //*Make request to API
  fetchInitData() {
    const response = fetch('https://poloniex.com/public?command=returnTicker')
    return response

  //*Parse data from API
  jsonData(data) {
    const res = data.json()
    return res

  //*Get objects key and push it to every object
  mapObjects(obj) {
    const res = Object.keys(obj).map(key => {
      let newData = obj[key]
      newData.key = key
      return newData
    return res

  //*Main bound function that wrap all fetch flow function
  async fetchData() {
    try {
      runInAction(() => {
        this.error = false
        this.loading = true
      const response = await this.fetchInitData()
      const json = await this.jsonData(response)
      const map = await this.mapObjects(json)
      const run = await runInAction(() => {
        this.loading = false
        this.data = map
    } catch (err) {
      runInAction(() => {
        this.loading = false
        this.error = err

  //*Call reset of MobX state
  resetState() {
    runInAction(() => {
      this.data = null
      this.fetchInterval = null
      this.error = false
      this.loading = true

  //*Call main fetch function with repeat every 5 seconds
  //*when the component is mounting
  initInterval() {
    if (!this.fetchInterval) {
      this.fetchInterval = setInterval(() => this.fetchData(), 5000)

  //*Call reset time interval & state
  //*when the component is unmounting
  resetInterval() {
    if (this.fetchInterval) {

const store = new DataStore()
export default store

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