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Knitr:从代码块打印文本为R markdown

[英]Knitr: print text from code block as R markdown

I have the following R Markdown document: 我有以下R Markdown文档:

title: "Test"
output: html_document

```{r cars, echo=FALSE}
myCondition <- TRUE
if(myCondition) {
  print("## Car Summary")

When I Knit it to HTML, the "Car Summary" header is rendered in "terminal-like" monospaced font as this: 当我将其编织为HTML时,“Car Summary”标题以“类似终端”的等宽字体呈现,如下所示:

## [1] "## Car Summary"

But I want it rendered as a header. 但我希望它呈现为标题。 How do I achieve this? 我该如何实现这一目标?

This should work for you: 这应该适合你:

```{r cars, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
myCondition <- TRUE
if(myCondition) {
  cat("## Car Summary")

```{r, echo=FALSE}

Note that the option results = 'asis' is important to print the header. 请注意,选项results = 'asis'对于打印标题很重要。 Also note that print() will not work, but cat() . 另请注意, print()不起作用,但cat()

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