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监视forwardedEvents Windows日志

[英]Monitoring The forwardedEvents windows log

I am trying to debug an issue where forwarded windows events are picked up using a splunk forwarder but are taking up to thirty minutes to get through the system. 我正在尝试调试一个问题,其中使用splunk转发器拾取了转发的Windows事件,但要花费30分钟才能通过系统。

I can generate a unique event and want to determine when it hits the forwarded event log. 我可以生成一个唯一事件,并希望确定它何时到达转发的事件日志。 I can run get-winevent and look for it that way, but the event file is so big that it can take a real long time to parse. 我可以运行get-winevent并以这种方式查找它,但是事件文件太大,以至于可能需要花费很长时间来解析。 What I would like is someway to watch the event log stream waiting for my input. 我想要以某种方式观看事件日志流等待我的输入。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Perhaps not quite what You need, however: 不过,也许不是您所需要的:

    #function fun {
    $s = { 

    $now = Get-Date
    $yesterday = $now.AddDays(-1)

    $rh = Read-Host "Today -- Yesterday"
    if ($rh -like "Today") {

    Get-WinEvent -LogName "System" | ? {$_.TimeCreated.ToString().Split(" ")[0] -like $now.ToString().Split(" ")[0] } 
    $rerun = read-host "Rerun Script?"
    if ($rerun -eq "Y"){&$s}

    if ($rh -like "Yesterday") {

    Get-WinEvent -LogName "System" | ? {$_.TimeCreated.ToString().Split(" ")[0] -like $yesterday.ToString().Split(" ")[0] } 
$rerun = read-host "Rerun Script?"    
if ($rerun -eq "Y"){&$s}

    else {}

If You press Y after "Rerun Script?" 如果在“重新运行脚本”之后按Y键。 programm will be returned to start 程序将返回开始

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