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[英]Display the half image to cover entire Background image

1) Requirement : 1)要求

I am trying to cut the image which is present on below mug into exactly 2 equal parts and display half of image in one part of mug and another half in another part of mug 我正在尝试将杯子下面的图像切成两等份,然后在杯子的一部分中显示一半的图像,在杯子的另一部分中显示另一图像的一半

Original image [ say Image 1 ] 原始图片 [说图片1]


Front & Back side of Mug : [ Image 2 & Image 3 ] 杯子的正面和背面 :[图片2和图片3]

在此处输入图片说明 在此处输入图片说明

2) My work 2)我的工作

I displayed Image1 on Image 2 and used clip: rect code to display Image 1 on Image 3 with help of code in fiddle 1 : https://jsfiddle.net/t0b351gh/4/ Image1 on Image 2显示了Image1 on Image 2并使用了clip: rect代码借助小提琴1中的代码在Image 1 on Image 3显示Image 1 on Image 3 1https : //jsfiddle.net/t0b351gh/4/


Next step is to cut the Image present on Mug into exact equal parts and display in both sides of mug. 下一步是将杯子上的图像切成相等的部分,并在杯子的两侧显示。 so i tried fiddle2 : https://jsfiddle.net/x2gjL7wj/6/ 所以我尝试了fiddle2https : //jsfiddle.net/x2gjL7wj/6/


3) Issue : 3)问题

Now Those half images are not covering the entire part of Mug, means those images used only half part of the mug, but i want to cover those half images to entire mug as below. 现在,那些一半的图像并没有覆盖整个杯子的一部分,这意味着这些图像仅使用了杯子的一半,但是我想将那些一半的图像覆盖到整个杯子,如下所示。


You can use scale() to make the images ( #simple1 and #simple2 ) twice as big; 您可以使用scale()使图像( #simple1#simple2 )变大两倍; try this: 尝试这个:

#simple2 {
  transform: scale(2);

Then you'll need to adjust their position. 然后,您需要调整其位置。

So there are a few things that constrain how well this can work: 因此,有些事情限制了它的工作效果:

  • The image printed on the mug is actually part of a larger image, so cutting it up using 'clip' is not guaranteed to give consistent results unless the image is exactly the same size and is in exactly the same place for different designs 杯子上印制的图像实际上是大图像的一部分,因此,除非图像尺寸完全相同且在不同设计下的位置完全相同,否则不能保证使用“剪辑”将其切割成一致的结果。
  • The same applies for the 2 halves of the print image, ie where the split is 这同样适用于打印图像的两半,即
  • It is not possible use CSS to map the print image onto the mug so that it follows the curves of the mug , as shown in your last picture 如上一张图片所示,不可能使用CSS将打印图像映射到杯子上,以使其遵循杯子的曲线

Having said that, it is possible to get a close approximation of your ideal, using CSS clip and transform scale: 话虽如此,使用CSS剪辑和变换比例可以很接近您的理想:

 .parent { float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .whiteimg { position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .parent1 .whiteimg { margin-left: -27px; } #simple1, #simple2 { position: absolute; top: 12px; } #simple1 { clip: rect(36px, 96px, 124px, 57px); left: 21px; transform: scale(2.25, 2.3); } #simple2 { clip: rect(36px, 134px, 122px, 95px); left: 26px; transform: scale(2.2, 2.3); } 
 <div class="parent"> <img class="whiteimg" src='https://i.stack.imgur.com/DjZm0.png' height="150" width="150"> <img id="simple1" height="150" width="150" src='https://i.stack.imgur.com/0K9jH.png'> </div> <div class="parent1 "> <img class="whiteimg" src='https://i.stack.imgur.com/KWmCC.png' height="150" width="150"> <div class="parent5"> <img id="simple2" height="150" width="150" src='https://i.stack.imgur.com/0K9jH.png'> </div> </div> <div> <img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/4AaoH.png" alt="enter image description here" style="width: 250px; margin-left: 15px;"> </div> 


Just to repeat one of the points above: 只是重复以上几点之一:

The image being clipped needs to have fixed dimensions and the clip coordinates need to be the same in each case, because the clip + scale solution will not work properly if the clip region and size varies. 被裁剪的图像必须具有固定的尺寸,并且每种情况下的裁剪坐标都必须相同,因为如果裁剪区域和尺寸不同,则裁剪+缩放比例解决方案将无法正常工作。

One additional point: 还有一点:

In order to fix the clipped image within the picture of the mug, we scale the clipped image. 为了将裁剪的图像固定在杯子的图片内,我们缩放裁剪的图像。 If the aspect ratio of the left/right part of the image does not match the aspect ratio of the side of the mug, then either: 如果图像左/右部分的纵横比与杯子侧面的纵横比不匹配,则:

  • we make it fit by scaling height/width unequally (ie breaking the aspect ratio) 我们通过不等比例缩放高度/宽度(即打破长宽比)来使其适合

or 要么

  • we preserve the aspect ratio and scale up as far as it will fit either the width or the height 我们会保留长宽比并放大到适合宽度或高度的程度

'object-fit: cover;' “对象适合:封面;” cannot be used here to fit the clipped image to the side of the mug because we are scaling it instead. 此处不能用于将裁剪后的图像放置在马克杯的侧面,因为我们正在缩放它。 See https://codepen.io/raad/pen/awqoVN - I am still using the same technique, but because the image dimensions are different, I have had to adjust the clipping, scaling, and offsets. 参见https://codepen.io/raad/pen/awqoVN-我仍在使用相同的技术,但是由于图像尺寸不同,我不得不调整裁剪,缩放和偏移。

Here is the solution. 这是解决方案。 Using some absolute position & background-size property we can achieve like that. 使用一些绝对位置和背景大小属性,我们可以实现这样的效果。

 .clip { background: url("https://i.stack.imgur.com/CsblL.jpg"); position:absolute; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 400px 230px; padding-left: 140px; padding-top: 50px; border:none; clip: rect(50px,274px,198px,142px); left:-60px; } 
 <div> <img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/SIZYv.jpg" width="230" height="230" /> <img class="clip" width="150" height="150" /> </div> 

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