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Oracle Merge:使用源表中的多个记录更新基本表中的单个记录

[英]Oracle Merge: Update single record in base table using multiple records from source table

I have a merge query as follows: 我有一个合并查询,如下所示:

    merge into table1
    using table2
    on (table1.column1 = table2.column1)
    when mateched then
   set column2 = table2.column2;

Now it is giving me error like :unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables 现在它给我这样的错误:无法在源表中获得稳定的行集

Now the issue is the source table, table2, is having multiple records for same column1 value and table1 is having only one record per column1 value.And I need all the table2 to update table1. 现在的问题是源表table2拥有针对相同column1值的多个记录,而table1每个column1值仅具有一条记录。而且我需要所有table2来更新table1。 can you pls help here? 您可以在这里帮忙吗?

" the issue is the source tabletable2, is having multiple records for same column1 value " “问题是源tabletable2,对于同一column1值具有多个记录”

You need to ensure your sub-query returns only one row per value of column1 . 您需要确保子查询每个column1值仅返回一行。 Only you know what exact business rule you need to apply, but it could be something like this: 只有您知道需要应用什么确切的业务规则,但是可能是这样的:

merge into table1
using ( select column1, max(column2) as column2
        from table2
        group by column1 ) t2
on (table1.column1 = t2.column1)
when matched then
set column2 = t2.column2;

"I need all records from table2 to update table1. The reason is that I have a trigger on table1 which captures all transactions(inserts/updates) and loads to another history table. " “我需要来自table2的所有记录来更新table1。原因是我在table1上有一个触发器,该触发器捕获所有事务(插入/更新)并加载到另一个历史记录表中。”

You can't use MERGE. 您不能使用MERGE。 In fact you're probably going to have to go procedural: 实际上,您可能必须执行程序操作:

    for t2rec in (select column1, column2
                  from table2
                  order by column1, column2 )
       update table1 
       set column2 = t2rec.column2
       where column1 = t2rec.column1;
    end loop;

You'll need to order the loop statement to ensure the end state of table1 is right. 您需要对循环语句进行排序,以确保table1的结束状态正确。

Alternatively you could disable the journaling trigger and do this: 或者,您可以禁用日记记录触发器并执行以下操作:

insert into table1_journal
select table1.column1
       , table2.column2
from table1 
     join table2 
     on  table1.column1 = table2.column1

Then do the MERGE or a single row update. 然后进行合并或单行更新。

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