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[英]how to split string to array and loop over it?

I have a string variable like this RCD_APIS=backend,api-alerting,api-tracking,api-versioning that contains the name of my docker images. 我有一个像RCD_APIS=backend,api-alerting,api-tracking,api-versioning这样的字符串变量,其中包含我的docker映像的名称。 I need to split it into an array and loop over it so I can pull each docker image 我需要将其拆分为一个数组并循环遍历,以便可以提取每个docker映像

I have tried the with_sequence loop but i get just the index (1,2,3,..) 我已经尝试过with_sequence循环,但是我只得到索引(1,2,3,..)

- name: pull images from registry
    name: "hostname:5000/{{ RCD_APIS.split(',') }}"
    pull: true
    state: present
    tag: "{{RCD_VERSION_CURRENT}}"
  with_sequence: count={{ RCD_APIS|count }}

I also tried with_item loop but it doesn't work so i tried to debug : 我也尝试了with_item循环,但是它不起作用,所以我尝试调试:

    - container: "{{ RCD_APIS }}"
    - name: pull images from registry debug
      debug: var={{item|basename}}
      with_items: container.split(',')

i get something like: 我得到类似的东西:

(item=container.split(',')) => {
         "container.split(',')": [
     "item": "container.split(',')"

so how can i loop over that array (like a foreach) and do the docker pull backend, docker pull api-alerting ... ? 所以我该如何遍历该数组(像foreach一样),然后docker pull backend, docker pull api-alerting ...?

Here you go: 干得好:

- name: pull images from registry
    name: hostname:5000/{{ item }}
    pull: true
    state: present
    tag: "{{RCD_VERSION_CURRENT}}"
  with_items: "{{ RCD_APIS.split(',') }}"

To print a list in the debug module, where x.content is a string with newlines, and you want to split on newlines, use: 要在debug模块中打印列表,其中x.content是带换行符的字符串,并且您希望在换行符上拆分,请使用:

    msg: "{{ x.content.split('\n') }}"

or 要么

    var: "x.content.split('\n')"

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