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Glassfish 4释放了CDI sessionscopeds豆的实例

[英]Glassfish 4 looses instances of cdi sessionscopeds beans

The software i was developing worked fine in my development environment (windows, glassfish4, java8, mysql5.7). 我开发的软件在我的开发环境(Windows,glassfish4,java8,mysql5.7)中运行良好。 The problem is putting it on the approval environment (Linux-OpenSuse, glassfish4, java8, mysql5.7) the glassfish looses the instance of session scoped bean already created and create it again. 问题是将其放在批准环境(Linux-OpenSuse,glassfish4,java8,mysql5.7)上,glassfish会释放已创建的会话作用域bean的实例,然后再次创建它。 I know it's not much information, but, i really don't know where to start to resolve it. 我知道信息不多,但是,我真的不知道从哪里开始解决它。 Anyway, each info is welcome. 无论如何,每个信息都是受欢迎的。

i'm sorry i couldn't investigate the problem because of time. 抱歉,由于时间原因,我无法调查问题。 We rebuild our linux (opensuse) environment and reconfigured each tool. 我们重建了Linux(opensuse)环境,并重新配置了每个工具。 It worked for me. 它为我工作。 Thanks everybody who spent time trying to help me. 感谢所有花时间尝试帮助我的人。 Thanks @Kukeltje 谢谢@Kukeltje

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