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[英]MOV instruction with an offset

Here is a line of assembly code from a core file. 这是核心文件中的汇编代码行。

0x00002ac8c957012d <+45>:    mov    0x8(%rsp), %rsi

I noticed that registry rsp is at the following location so I use the Examine command to view the content plus 16 more objects/bytes. 我注意到注册表rsp位于以下位置,因此我使用Examine命令查看内容以及16个其他对象/字节。

> x/16x 0x2acd5752a610
0x2acd5752a610: 0x70   0xa6   0x11   0xff   0x29   0xcd   0x22   0x00
0x2acd5752a618: 0x33   0xee   0xf1   0xa9   0xb2   0xcc   0x34   0x76

When figuring out the offset of 0x8 is this going to be 0 based resulting in the value being 0x33 or just count starting with 1 to 8 from the start which results in the value being 0x00? 当计算出0x8的偏移量时,它是基于0导致值0x33还是只是从开始以1到8进行计数而导致值是0x00?

You are confused by the braindead abomination that is AT&T syntax. AT&T语法令人讨厌,这让您感到困惑。

In Intel's intended syntax mov 0x8(%rsp), %rsi translates to: 在Intel预期的语法mov 0x8(%rsp), %rsi转换为:

mov rsi,[rsp+8]

Which means fill the 8 bytes of register rsi with the 8 bytes at address [rsp+8] . 这意味着用地址[rsp+8]的8个字节填充寄存器rsi的8个字节。
Note that rsp is a 64-bit (8 byte) register which handles 8 bytes at a time. 请注意, rsp是一个64位(8字节)寄存器,一次可处理8个字节。
We don't know what the value of rsp is, but we do know that rsp is the stack pointer and +8 means we take the address 8 bytes above the stack pointer, or the second most recently pushed value on the stack (because the stack grows downward). 我们不知道rsp的值是什么,但是我们确实知道rsp是堆栈指针,而+8表示我们将地址移到堆栈指针上方8个字节,或者是堆栈上第二个最近压入的值(因为堆栈向下生长)。

This instruction is sneaking a peak inside the stack :-) 该指令正在栈内潜入一个高峰:-)

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