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[英]Eslint Parsing error: Unexpected token

I'm getting the error Parsing error: Unexpected token .. from eslint for this snippet. 我收到此代码段的错误Parsing error: Unexpected token ..来自eslint的 Parsing error: Unexpected token .. What's wrong with that? 怎么了

const Public = ({ loggingIn, authenticated, component, ...rest }) => (
    <Route {...rest} render={(props) => {
        if (loggingIn) return <div></div>
        return !authenticated
            ? (React.createElement(component, { ...props, loggingIn, authenticated }))
            : (<Redirect to="/" />);
    }} />

You probably need to configure eslint to use the right parser for your project. 您可能需要将eslint配置为对项目使用正确的解析器。 If you're using babel you'll need babel-eslint: 如果您正在使用babel,则需要babel-eslint:

npm install --save-dev babel-eslint

And then add this to your .eslintrc file: 然后将其添加到您的.eslintrc文件中:

  "parser": "babel-eslint"

If you're not using babel check out http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#specifying-parser-options for other options. 如果您不使用babel,请查看http://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#specifying-parser-options中的其他选项。

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