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[英]Symfony: how to pass a parameter from Route to Controller with no path

I have a route 我有一条路线

      path:     /{code}
      defaults: { _controller: controller.main:detailAction }

I also have a controller for this route 我也有这条路线的控制器

 public function detailAction(Request $request, string $code, int $size, array $params): Response

My question is: how can I say to controller which parameters he should take as int $size and array $params ? 我的问题是:我该如何告诉控制器他应将哪些参数作为int $sizearray $params I have found in symfony docs that I may specifically mention params in defaults section with default values like this 我在symfony文档中发现,我可能特别在defaults部分提到了params,像这样的默认值

      path:     /{code}
      defaults: { _controller: controller.main:detailAction }
      size:        1
      params:      "Hello world!"

But that is not what I want since I shouldn't have a default value for this params but it ought to be taken directly from request. 但这不是我想要的,因为我不应该为此参数设置默认值,但是应该直接从请求中获取它。 How do I do this without making my route like /{code}/{size} ? 如何在不使路径像/{code}/{size}那样的情况下执行此操作? And even in this case what do I do with an array? 即使在这种情况下,我该如何处理数组?

You can generate a url like this by passing parameters in your controller: 您可以通过在控制器中传递参数来生成这样的网址:

 $url = $this->generateUrl("detail", array("code" => $code, ...));

    return $this->redirect($url);

And routing: 和路由:

     path:     /
     defaults: { _controller: controller.main:detailAction }

If you want to specify parameters like this 如果要指定这样的参数


You should typehint Request object in your action and access its query parameters bag. 您应该在操作中键入提示Request对象,并访问其查询参数包。 If your controller extends Symfony Controllers, Request will be automatically passed. 如果您的控制器扩展了Symfony控制器,则请求将自动传递。

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
public function updateAction(Request $request)
    $request->query->get('myParam'); // get myParam from query string 

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