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[英]I want to animate div when width not 0

I am having this problem I want to animate the div from 100% to 0 using velocity js. 我遇到了这个问题,我想使用速度js将div从100%设置为0。 I want it to animate every time the width not equal 0. The width of the div is updated automatically using setInterval process. 我希望它的宽度每次不等于0时都进行动画处理。div的宽度使用setInterval进程自动更新。 This interval process is running forever and will update the width of the div every 3 seconds. 此间隔过程将永远运行,并且将每3秒更新div的宽度。 The function of velocity js or other animation plugin is to just make it 0% in width. Velocity js或其他动画插件的功能是使其宽度为0%。

My code is something like this. 我的代码是这样的。


var progressBar = $("#progressBar");
var scenario = 3
var width = 265;
var processDuration = 60000;
var processDelay = 3000;
var time_per_scenario = (processDuration / scenario);
var width_per_processDelay = (width / (processDuration / processDelay));

// Call the  animateProgressBar for first time animation;

    if(scenario != 0) {
         if(time_per_scenario != 0) {
            time_per_scenario -= 1000;
            width -= width_per_processDelay;
         } else {
            width = 265;
            time_per_scenario = 20000;
    } else {
        scenario = 3;
}, processDelay);

function animateProgressBar() {

    progressBar.attr("style", "width: " + width);

    console.log("animateProgressBar Again with scenario: " + scenario);

    if(scenario == 0 ) {

        .velocity({ width: width}, { duration: 1 })
        .velocity({ width: 0 }, { duration: time_per_scenario })
        .velocity({ width: width }, { duration: 1 })
        .velocity({ width: 0 }, { duration: time_per_scenario, })
        .velocity({ width: width}, { duration: 1 })
        .velocity({ width: 0 }, { duration: time_per_scenario, });

    } else if(scenario == 1 ){
        .velocity({ width: width }, { duration: 1 })
        .velocity({ width: 0 }, { duration: time_per_scenario, })
        .velocity({ width: width}, { duration: 1 })
        .velocity({ width: 0 }, { duration: time_per_scenario, });
    } else {
        .velocity({ width: width }, { duration: 1 })
        .velocity({ width: 0 }, { duration: time_per_scenario });

The problem with velocity js is that it just animate 1 time even if it is inside the setInterval process it wont do the animation. 速度js的问题在于,即使它处于setInterval进程内,它也只能进行1次动画处理,而不会进行动画处理。 Why is it happening? 为什么会这样呢?

Finally found the solution. 终于找到了解决方案。

 // THIS IS A BIDDING PROCESS var progressBar = document.getElementById("progressBar"); var scenario = 3 var width = 265; var processDuration = 60000; var processDelay = 3000; var time_per_scenario = 20000; var width_per_processDelay = (width / (processDuration / processDelay)); var process = null; // Call the animateProgressBar for the first animation; animateProgressBar(); setInterval(function(){ //console.log("time_per_scenario: " + time_per_scenario); time_per_scenario -= 3000; width -= width_per_processDelay; },3000); setInterval(function(){ if(scenario != 0) { if(time_per_scenario <= 0) { clearInterval(process); scenario--; width = 265; time_per_scenario = 20000; animateProgressBar(); } } else { scenario = 3; } }, processDelay); function animateProgressBar() { var widthAnimation = width; var width_per_frame = (width / (time_per_scenario / 5)); //console.log("animateProgressBar Again with scenario: " + scenario); process = setInterval(frame, 5); var me = this; function frame() { if (widthAnimation <= 0) { clearInterval(process); } else { widthAnimation = widthAnimation - width_per_frame; progressBar.style.width = widthAnimation + 'px'; } } }; 
 #progressBar { height: 20px; background-color: #ccc; } 
 <div id="outerDiv"> <div id="progressBar"></div> </div> 

Thanks for the help @toddmo 感谢您的帮助@toddmo

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