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[英]Creating a dictionary for each word in a file and counting the frequency of words that follow it

I am trying to solve a difficult problem and am getting lost. 我正在努力解决一个棘手的问题并迷失方向。

Here's what I'm supposed to do: 这是我应该做的:

INPUT: file
OUTPUT: dictionary

Return a dictionary whose keys are all the words in the file (broken by
whitespace). The value for each word is a dictionary containing each word
that can follow the key and a count for the number of times it follows it.

You should lowercase everything.
Use strip and string.punctuation to strip the punctuation from the words.

>>> #example.txt is a file containing: "The cat chased the dog."
>>> with open('../data/example.txt') as f:
...     word_counts(f)
{'the': {'dog': 1, 'cat': 1}, 'chased': {'the': 1}, 'cat': {'chased': 1}}

Here's all I have so far, in trying to at least pull out the correct words: 这是我到目前为止所做的一切,试图至少提出正确的话:

def word_counts(f):
    i = 0
    orgwordlist = f.split()
    for word in orgwordlist:
        if i<len(orgwordlist)-1:
            print orgwordlist[i]
            print orgwordlist[i+1]

with open('../data/example.txt') as f:

I'm thinking I need to somehow use the .count method and eventually zip some dictionaries together, but I'm not sure how to count the second words for each first word. 我想我需要以某种方式使用.count方法并最终将一些字典压缩在一起,但我不知道如何计算每个第一个单词的第二个单词。

I know I'm nowhere near solving the problem, but trying to take it one step at a time. 我知道我无法解决问题,但试图一步一步。 Any help is appreciated, even just tips pointing in the right direction. 任何帮助都表示赞赏,甚至只是指向正确方向的提示。

We can solve this in two passes : 我们可以在两个过程中解决这个问题

  1. in a first pass, we construct a Counter and count the tuples of two consecutive words using zip(..) ; 在第一遍中,我们构造一个Counter并使用zip(..)计算两个连续单词的元组; and
  2. then we turn that Counter in a dictionary of dictionaries. 然后我们在字典词典中将该Counter转为。

This results in the following code: 这导致以下代码:

from collections import Counter, defaultdict

def word_counts(f):
    st = f.read().lower().split()
    ctr = Counter(zip(st,st[1:]))
    dc = defaultdict(dict)
    for (k1,k2),v in ctr.items():
        dc[k1][k2] = v
    return dict(dc)

We can do this in one pass : 我们可以一次做到这一点:

  1. Use a defaultdict as a counter. 使用defaultdict作为计数器。
  2. Iterate over bigrams, counting in-place 迭代双字母,就地计数

So... For the sake of brevity, we'll leave the normalization and cleaning out: 所以......为了简洁起见,我们将保持标准化和清理:

>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> counter = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
>>> s = 'the dog chased the cat'
>>> tokens = s.split()
>>> from itertools import islice
>>> for a, b in zip(tokens, islice(tokens, 1, None)):
...     counter[a][b] += 1
>>> counter
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x102078950>, {'the': defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'cat': 1, 'dog': 1}), 'dog': defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'chased': 1}), 'chased': defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'the': 1})})

And a more readable output: 更可读的输出:

>>> {k:dict(v) for k,v in counter.items()}
{'the': {'cat': 1, 'dog': 1}, 'dog': {'chased': 1}, 'chased': {'the': 1}}

Firstly that is some brave cat who chased a dog! 首先,那是一只追逐狗的勇敢的猫! Secondly it is a little tricky because we don't interact with this type of parsing every day. 其次,它有点棘手,因为我们不会每天与这种类型的解析交互。 Here's the code: 这是代码:

k = "The cat chased the dog."
sp = k.split()
res = {}
prev = ''
for w in sp:
    word = w.lower().replace('.', '')
    if prev in res:
        if word.lower() in res[prev]:
            res[prev][word] += 1
            res[prev][word] = 1
    elif not prev == '':
        res[prev] = {word: 1}
    prev = word
print res

You could: 你可以:

  1. Create a list of stripped words; 创建一个剥离的单词列表;
  2. Create word pairs with either zip(list_, list_[1:]) or any method that iterates by pairs; 使用zip(list_, list_[1:])或任何按zip(list_, list_[1:])迭代的方法创建单词对;
  3. Create a dict of first words in the pair followed by a list of the second word of the pair; 在对中创建第一个单词的词典,然后是该对中第二个单词的列表;
  4. Count the words in the list. 计算列表中的单词。

Like so: 像这样:

from collections import Counter
s="The cat chased the dog."
li=[w.lower().strip('.,') for w in s.split()] # list of the words
for a,b in zip(li,li[1:]):                    # words by pairs
    di.setdefault(a,[]).append(b)             # list of the words following first

di={k:dict(Counter(v)) for k,v in di.items()} # count the words
>>> di
{'the': {'dog': 1, 'cat': 1}, 'chased': {'the': 1}, 'cat': {'chased': 1}}

If you have a file, just read from the file into a string and proceed. 如果你有一个文件,只需从文件中读取一个字符串然后继续。

Alternatively, you could 或者,你可以

  1. Same first two steps 前两个步骤相同
  2. Use a defaultdict with a Counter as a factory. 使用带Counterdefaultdict作为工厂。

Like so: 像这样:

from collections import Counter, defaultdict
li=[w.lower().strip('.,') for w in s.split()]
for a,b in zip(li, li[1:]):

>>> dict(dd)
{'the': Counter({'dog': 1, 'cat': 1}), 'chased': Counter({'the': 1}), 'cat': Counter({'chased': 1})}

Or, 要么,

>>> {k:dict(v) for k,v in dd.items()}   
{'the': {'dog': 1, 'cat': 1}, 'chased': {'the': 1}, 'cat': {'chased': 1}}

I think this is a one pass solution without importing defaultdict. 我认为这是一个单一的解决方案,没有导入defaultdict。 Also it has punctuation stripping. 它还有标点符号剥离。 I have tried to optimize it for large files or repeated opening of files 我试图为大文件或重复打开文件优化它

from itertools import islice

class defaultdictint(dict):
    def __missing__(self,k):
        r = self[k] = 0
        return r

class defaultdictdict(dict):
    def __missing__(self,k):
        r = self[k] = defaultdictint()
        return r

keep = set('1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')

def count_words(file):
    d = defaultdictdict()
    with open(file,"r") as f:
        for line in f:
            line = ''.join(filter(keep.__contains__,line)).strip().lower().split()
            for one,two in zip(line,islice(line,1,None)):
                d[one][two] += 1
    return d

print (count_words("example.txt"))

will output: 将输出:

{'chased': {'the': 1}, 'cat': {'chased': 1}, 'the': {'dog': 1, 'cat': 1}}

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