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[英]JAXB: Annotations of field declared in superclass differ in subclasses

I will try to explain the issue with an example: 我将尝试用一个例子来解释这个问题:

Base: 基础:

public abstract class Base {
   protected Foo foo;

Derived1: Derived1:

public class Derived1 extends Base {
   //Here i would like to define annotations for foo
       @XmlElement(name = "foo1",   type = Foo1.class),
       @XmlElement(name = "foo2",   type = Foo2.class)
   //protected Foo foo;

Derived2: Derived2的:

public class Derived2 extends Base {
   //Here i would like to define annotations for foo too
   //But they will differ from the ones defined in Derived1
       @XmlElement(name = "foo3", type = Foo3.class),
       @XmlElement(name = "foo4", type = Foo4.class)
   //protected Foo foo;

The @XmlElements annotation is just an example. @XmlElements注释只是一个示例。 It should work with any other annotation too. 它也应该与任何其他注释一起使用。

I know I could shadow the superclass foo field but I dont think it's a proper way to solve this issue. 我知道我可以遮盖超类foo字段,但是我认为这不是解决此问题的正确方法。

So is it possible in java (with JAXB) to override/add annotation of/to a field that is declared in a superclass? 那么在Java(使用JAXB)中是否可以重写/向超类中声明的字段添加注释?

"Ugly" solution: “丑陋”的解决方案:

public class Derived1 extends Base {

   public Foo getFoo() { 
       return this.foo 

   protected Foo setFoo(Foo foo) { 
       this.foo = foo; 

Overriding/adding properties and annotating them seems to work. 覆盖/添加属性并对其进行注释似乎可行。 If getter or setter is never used somewhere it's pretty ugly though, because this has to happen in every subclass. 如果没有在任何地方使用getter或setter,那将是非常丑陋的,因为这必须在每个子类中发生。

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