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Gulp错误 - 错误:无法找到模块'sigmund'

[英]Gulp error - Error: Cannot find module 'sigmund'

My Gulp was working fine until I installed browser-sync 我的Gulp工作正常,直到我安装了浏览器同步

npm install browser-sync gulp --save-dev

Then I started to get this error: 然后我开始得到这个错误:

Error: Cannot find module 'lru-cache' 错误:找不到模块'lru-cache'

Which I solved using this: npm link lru-cache answer from https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/1154 我用这个解决了: npm link lru-cache来自https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/1154

However, now when I try to run gulp I get this new error: 但是,现在当我尝试运行gulp我得到了这个新错误:

~/Projects/starfeeder ❯ npm install browser-sync gulp --save-dev npm WARN deprecated minimatch@2.0.10: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue npm WARN deprecated node-uuid@1.4.8: Use uuid module instead 〜/ Projects /starfeeder❯npminstall browser-sync gulp --save-dev npm WARN弃用minimatch@2.0.10:请更新到minimatch 3.0.2或更高版本以避免RegExp DoS问题npm WARN弃用node-uuid@1.4。 8:改用uuid模块

fsevents@1.1.2 install /Users/leongaban/Projects/starfeeder/node_modules/fsevents node install fsevents@1.1.2 install / Users / leongaban / Projects / starfeeder / node_modules / fsevents节点安装

My gulpfile if that helps: 我的gulpfile如果有帮助:

"use strict";
const gulp        = require('gulp'),
      _           = require('lodash'), // https://www.npmjs.com/package/lodash
      del         = require('del'), // https://www.npmjs.com/package/del
      fs          = require('fs'), // Node file system
      gutil       = require('gulp-util'), // https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-util
      htmlReplace = require('gulp-html-replace'), // https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-html-replace
      notify      = require("gulp-notify"), // https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-notify
      runSequence = require('run-sequence'), // https://www.npmjs.com/package/run-sequence
      sass        = require('gulp-ruby-sass'), // https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-ruby-sass
      sourcemaps  = require('gulp-sourcemaps'); // https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-sourcemaps

const rootPath = process.cwd();

const paths = {
    files: ['src/static/**']

const errorlog = err => {
    gutil.log(gutil.colors.red.bold.inverse('  ERROR: '+err));

// Build tasks chain ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
gulp.task('build', function(cb) {
        'build:app-css',      // Minify and concat app styles
        'build:index',        // Replace scripts in index.html
        'build:final', cb);   // Remove app.min.js from build folder

gulp.task('build:move-files', () => gulp.src(paths.files).pipe(gulp.dest('starfeeder/')) );

// Preprocess SASS into CSS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
gulp.task('build:app-css', () => sass('src/sass/starfeeder.scss', { style: 'compressed' }).on('error', errorlog).pipe(gulp.dest('src/static/css/')) );

// Clear out all files and folders from build folder \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
gulp.task('build:cleanfolder', cb => { del(['starfeeder/**'], cb); });

// Task to make the index file production ready \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
gulp.task('build:index', () => {
    process.stdout.write(gutil.colors.white.inverse(' New asset paths in markup: \n'));
    process.stdout.write(gutil.colors.yellow(' static/css/starfeeder.css\n'));

            'app-css': 'css/starfeeder.css'
        .pipe(notify('Starfeeder build created!'));

gulp.task('build:final', cb => {
    process.stdout.write(gutil.colors.blue.bold   ('######################################################     \n'));
    process.stdout.write(gutil.colors.blue.inverse('               Starfeeder build created!                   \n'));
    process.stdout.write(gutil.colors.blue.bold   ('######################################################     \n'));

// Main Styles /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
gulp.task('app-css', () => {
    return sass('src/sass/starfeeder.scss', { style: 'compressed' })
    .on('error', errorlog)

// Development watch /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 🤖☕️⏎→
gulp.task('watch', () => {
    gulp.watch('src/sass/**/*.scss', ['app-css']).on('change', file => {
        let filePath = file.path.split(rootPath);

gulp.task('default', ['watch']);

I had this same issue with installing through2 . 我在安装through2遇到了同样的问题。 The project used shrink wrap and had a package-lock.json which caused the a dependencies to break. 该项目使用了收缩包装,并有一个package-lock.json ,导致依赖关系中断。 Once I removed the lock and re-installed, all was good. 一旦我取下锁并重新安装,一切都很好。

Ok so still not sure why I got those errors, but never installing browserSync again. 好的,所以仍然不确定为什么我会收到这些错误,但再也不会安装browserSync。

I had to npm link all my gulp plugins. 我必须npm link我所有的gulp插件。

That work, but then it broke during the gulp build process. 这项工作,但随后在gulp build过程中崩溃了。

Instead of doing npm link to everything, included other node modules I've never heard off. 而不是做npm link到所有东西,包括我从未听说过的其他节点模块。 I removed browserSync and deleted my node_modules folder and did yarn(npm) install . 我删除了browserSync并删除了我的node_modules文件夹并yarn(npm) installyarn(npm) install

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