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死锁在 Sql Server 中执行查询

[英]Deadlock executing Query in Sql Server

I've the following Linq:我有以下 Linq:

var qry = s.GetTable<MessageEventDTO>().Where(x => x.MessageName == messageName && x.SourceTyp == sourceTyp && x.Source == source && (x.Status == MessageEventStatus.open || x.Status == MessageEventStatus.acknowledged));

goneMessages = qry.ToList();

var ret = qry
    .Set(x => x.Status, x => x.Status | MessageEventStatus.gone)
    .Set(x => x.TimestampGone, timeStamp)
return ret;

which will be converted to following SQL:它将转换为以下 SQL:

UPDATE MessageEvents SET Status = Status | 1, TimeStampGone = @1
WHERE MessageName = @2 AND SourceTyp = @3 Source = @4 AND (Status = 0 OR Status = 2)

the problem is now, there are multiple Updates run in parallel, and I got deadlock exceptions, but I do not understand why?现在的问题是,有多个更新并行运行,我得到了死锁异常,但我不明白为什么?

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If you don't want another process to be able to start the select portion of the update, use the UPDLOCK hint or set an appropriate transaction isolation level ( REPEATABLE READ ).如果您不希望其他进程能够启动更新的选择部分,请使用UPDLOCK提示或设置适当的事务隔离级别 ( REPEATABLE READ )。

See John Huang's Blog for a more thorough explanation of how nonclustered indexes can cause deadlocks.有关非聚集索引如何导致死锁的更详细说明,请参阅John Huang 的博客

Example using Linq to SQL which is not prey to this issue:使用 Linq to SQL 的示例不受此问题的影响:

var opts = new TransactionOptions();
opts.IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead;
using (var txn = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, opts))
    // update command goes here.


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