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警告:<> 标签上的未知道具。 从元素中移除这个道具

[英]Warning: Unknown prop on <> tag. Remove this prop from the element

I'm new to react and i was learning subclasses from one of Lynda examples.我刚开始反应,我正在从 Lynda 示例之一中学习子类。 I'm creating a new subcomponent class called aptList and using this.props.eachItem.ownerName to iterate through each index from the JSON file where ownerName is a property.我正在创建一个名为aptList的新子组件类,并使用this.props.eachItem.ownerName遍历 JSON 文件中的每个索引,其中ownerName是一个属性。

This is the error i get when i run it in the browser.这是我在浏览器中运行时得到的错误。 The data gets fetched but the prop is not getting recognized according to the error数据被获取,但prop没有根据错误被识别


however the react console seems to be getting the JSON fine然而反应控制台似乎得到了很好的 JSON


This is the code as taught on Lynda这是 Lynda 教授的代码

var React = require('react');
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
var createReactClass = require('create-react-class');

var aptList = createReactClass({
render: function(){
        <li>{ this.props.eachItem.ownerName }</li>

var MainInterface = createReactClass({

   getInitialState: function(){
      return {
        title: 'Items',
        show: function(x){
                return true
            else {
                return false
        myData: []

componentDidMount: function(){

    this.serverRequest = $.getJSON('static/scripts/src/myData.json', function(results){
        var tempData = results;
            myData: tempData

componentWillUnmount: function(){

render: function(){

    var style = {
        color: 'red',
        fontWeight: 900

    var reactData = this.state.myData;
    reactData = reactData.map(function (each, index) {
        return (
            <aptList eachItem = { each }
                     key = { index }/>

    return (
            <h1>{ this.state.show(12) ? 'List of ':null }{ this.state.title }</h1>
            <ul style={style}>
                { reactData }


Rename aptList to AptList .aptList重命名为AptList

Otherwise React considers aptList to be a native html component and will trigger warnings for unknown HTML properties.否则 React aptList视为原生 html 组件,并将触发未知 HTML 属性的警告。

See the link in the exception message:请参阅异常消息中的链接

  1. You are using a React component without an upper case.您正在使用没有大写的 React 组件。 React interprets it as a DOM tag because ... React 将其解释为 DOM 标签,因为...


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