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为什么我的Json字符串响应因WCF Rest Web服务(弱类型Json)响应而被转义?

[英]Why is my Json string response escaped for a WCF Rest web service (weakly-typed Json) response?

I have this contract : 我有这个合同:

public interface IServiceJsonContract
    [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "/MyMethod", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, Method = "POST")]
    Message MyMethod(Message input);

And the definition for MyMethod is : MyMethod的定义是:

Message MyMethod(Message input)
Message response = Message.CreateMessage(
                                 "{\"bla\": 2 }", 
                                 new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(string)));

response.Properties.Add( WebBodyFormatMessageProperty.Name,new 

var contextOutgoingResponse = WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse;
contextOutgoingResponse.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8";

return response;

When calling the method I got the Json escaped: 在调用方法时,我得到了Json转义:

"{\\"bla\\": 2 }" “{\\”bla \\“:2}”

instead of unescaped one (below): 而不是未转义的(下方):

"{"bla": 2 }" “{”bla“:2}”

Any idea how to get the unescaped Json ( "{"bla": 2 }" ) ? 知道如何获得未转义的Json(“{”bla“:2}”)?

Thanks 谢谢

The DataContractJsonSerializer is serializing your string and escaping the quotation marks. DataContractJsonSerializer正在序列化您的字符串并转义引号。 Create a class to hold your data and pass that instead of the string. 创建一个类来保存数据并传递该数据而不是字符串。

public class MyData 
    public string Bla { get; set; } 

// create an instance
MyData myData = new MyData()
    Bla = "the value";

// then use it
Message response = Message.CreateMessage(
                             new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(MyData)));

you can use Stream as your out put. 你可以使用Stream作为你的输出。 this way you can send back uncapped string: 这样你就可以发回不带上限的字符串了:

    public interface IServiceJsonContract
        [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "/MyMethod", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, Method = "POST")]
        Stream MyMethod(Message input);

Stream MyMethod(Message input)
return new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{\"bla\": 2 }"));

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