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是否可以从C ++调用Fortran接口

[英]Is it possible to call a Fortran interface from C++

I have the following code that does not compile. 我有以下不编译的代码。 Is it possible to call the Fortran interface as overloaded functions in C++, as I try below? 是否有可能将Fortran接口称为C ++中的重载函数,我在下面尝试?

This is the Fortran code: 这是Fortran代码:

module functions
    use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_double, c_int
    implicit none

    interface increment bind(c, name="increment")
        module procedure increment_int, increment_double
    end interface

    subroutine increment_int(a, b)
        integer(c_int), intent(inout) :: a
        integer(c_int), value :: b

        a = a + b
    end subroutine

    subroutine increment_double(a, b)
        real(c_double), intent(inout) :: a
        real(c_double), value :: b

        a = a + b
    end subroutine
end module functions

And this is the C++ code: 这是C ++代码:

#include <iostream>

    extern "C" void increment(int&, int);
    extern "C" void increment(double&, double);

int main()
    int a = 6;
    const int b = 2;

    double c = 6.;
    const int d = 2.;

    increment(a, b);
    increment(c, d);

    std::cout << "a = " << a << std::endl;
    std::cout << "c = " << c << std::endl;

    return 0;

No, it cannot be avoided. 不,这是无法避免的。 But you can instantiate a template to call the two. 但是你可以实例化一个模板来调用这两个模板。 Or just make a C++ generic wrapper to those two extern C functions. 或者只是为这两个extern C函数创建一个C ++泛型包装器。 You definitely cannot make Fortran to export the interface. 你绝对不能让Fortran导出界面。 Interface is just a description how to call the two subroutines under some name internally in Fortran. 接口只是描述如何在Fortran内部调用某些名称下的两个子程序。

This question importing interface module procedure from fortran into C is very similar. 这个问题从fortran到C的导入接口模块程序非常相似。 I even originally closed yours as a duplicate, but then I changed my mind because the attempted solution is slightly different. 我甚至最初把你的作为副本关闭了,但后来我改变主意,因为尝试的解决方案略有不同。

But the principle is the same. 但原则是一样的。 Fortran generics and C++ generics are not compatible. Fortran泛型和C ++泛型不兼容。 And you have C between them which has no generics of similar type. 而且它们之间有C,没有相似类型的泛型。

Note: As @RichardCritten suggest you also should not pass by reference in an extern C function. 注意:正如@RichardCritten建议你也不应该通过extern C函数中的引用传递。 The compiler probably compiles it and implements as passing a pointer by value, but it is not guaranteed. 编译器可能编译它并实现为按值传递指针,但不保证。 Just pass a pointer. 只需传递一个指针。 See C++ by-reference argument and C linkage for more. 有关更多信息,请参阅C ++ by-reference参数和C链接

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