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[英]Chef-client run half copying cookbooks from site-cookbooks directory into cookbooks directory

I've got a custom cookbook that configures my Jenkins servers. 我有一个配置我的Jenkins服务器的自定义菜谱。 There are 3 recipes in a custom cookbook. 自定义食谱中有3种食谱。 I'm using librarian-chef to manage my cookbook dependencies. 我正在使用librarian-chef来管理我的食谱依赖项。 Chef is being run in local mode and I use terraform to provision my nodes with Chef. Chef正在本地模式下运行,我使用terraform为Chef提供节点。

When I run chef-client -z it tries to copy my custom cookbook in the site-cookbooks directory into the cookbooks directory. 当我运行chef-client -z它将尝试将site-cookbooks目录中的自定义食谱复制到cookbooks目录中。 The reason I say "tries" is because it only copies one of the recipes over, it doens't copy the other recipes or other cookbook files like metadata.rb . 我说的“尝试”的原因是因为配方的,它只复制一个过来,它好好尝试复制其他配方或其他菜谱文件,如metadata.rb Ultimately I get errors on including the java cookbook in my recipe because it can't resolve that cookbooks dependencies. 最终,我在食谱中包含Java食谱时遇到错误,因为它无法解析食谱的依赖关系。

If I manually log into the node and copy the directory over myself, everything runs perfectly. 如果我手动登录到该节点并在我自己上复制目录,则一切运行正常。

This bug is resolved in latest stable version of chef. 此错误已在Chef的最新稳定版本中解决。 You can try that 你可以试试看

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