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[英]How to change the background color of excel data label using C#

I am trying to change the shape of excel data label using C#. 我正在尝试使用C#更改excel 数据标签的形状。 But I am stuck with interop Fill Property . 但是我对互操作填充属性感到困惑。

Not able to understand at all how to use it and also how can I change the shape of data label using this. 完全不了解如何使用它,以及如何使用此方法更改数据标签的形状。 If anyone has any idea Please help. 如果有人有任何想法请帮助。

Your help will be appreciated. 您的帮助将不胜感激。 I am using it in Line chart. 我在折线图中使用它。

I have tried this so far- 到目前为止,我已经尝试过了

System.Collections.IEnumerator iEChartSeries = seriesCollection.GetEnumerator();
    var oSeries = (Excel.Series)(iEChartSeries.Current);
    Excel.Points pts = (Excel.Points) oSeries.Points(Type.Missing);
    System.Collections.IEnumerator iPoints = pts.GetEnumerator();
        var pt = (Excel.Point)(iPoints.Current);
        pt.HasDataLabel = true;
        pt.DataLabel.Position = Excel.XlDataLabelPosition.xlLabelPositionAbove;

        pt.DataLabel.Font.Name = "Arial";
        pt.DataLabel.Font.FontStyle = "Bold";
        pt.DataLabel.Font.Size = 8;   
        pt.DataLabel.Text = "N";    
        pt.DataLabel.Fill = ????;//here I am stuck

Your line: pt.DataLabel.Fill = ????; //here I am stuck 您的行: pt.DataLabel.Fill = ????; //here I am stuck pt.DataLabel.Fill = ????; //here I am stuck

You need this: pt.DataLabel.Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = ??? 您需pt.DataLabel.Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = ???pt.DataLabel.Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = ???

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