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[英]Entity Framework 1 to Many creates new objects

I'm using EntityFramework for my Microsoft Sql Data Base. 我正在为我的Microsoft Sql数据库使用EntityFramework。 First entity is Product : 第一个实体是Product

 public class Product
    public Product()
        ProductStories = new HashSet<ProductStory>();

    public int ProductId { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Description { get; set; }

    public bool Deleted { get; set; }

    public HashSet<ProductStory> ProductStories { get; set; }

And another entity is ProductStory , which stores story about income or outcome of Products . 而另一家实体ProductStory,存储故事产品的收入或结果。

public class ProductStory
    public int ProductStoryId { get; set; }

    public virtual Product.Product Product { get; set; }

    public int Count { get; set; }

     public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }

So one Product could be in mane ProductStories , or in none. 因此,一个产品可能在鬃毛产品 故事中 ,也可能不在。

I will not show all code(too big), so when I firstly create a single Product instance and save it in DB. 我不会显示所有代码(太大),因此当我第一次创建一个Product实例并将其保存在DB中时。 Then I create a single ProductStory and reference to property Product to that instance of Product. 然后,我创建一个ProductStory,并引用属性Product到该Product实例。 Then I save this ProductStory , there becomes 2 instances of ProductStory . 然后我保存此ProductStory ,有2个ProductStory实例。 As I read, and I made this as virtual property: 在我阅读时,我将其作为虚拟属性:

public virtual Product.Product Product { get; set; }

How this problem could be solved? 这个问题怎么解决?

I'm using EntityTypeConfiguration for tables configuration. 我正在使用EntityTypeConfiguration进行表配置。

public class ProductMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<Product>
        public ProductMap()
            ToTable("Products").HasKey(x => x.ProductId);

            Property(x => x.ProductId).IsRequired();
            Property(x => x.Name).IsRequired().HasMaxLength(255).HasColumnName("Name");
                //.HasColumnAnnotation("Index", new IndexAnnotation(new IndexAttribute("IX_Name") { IsUnique = true }));
            Property(x => x.Description).IsOptional().HasColumnName("Description");
            Property(x => x.Deleted).HasColumnName("Deleted");

And for ProductStory: 对于ProductStory:

class ProductStoryMap: EntityTypeConfiguration<ProductStory>
        public ProductStoryMap()
            ToTable("ProductStories").HasKey(ps => ps.ProductStoryId);

            Property(ps => ps.ProductStoryId).IsRequired();
            //Property(ps => ps.ProductId).IsRequired().HasColumnName("ProductId");

            Property(ps => ps.Count).HasColumnName("Count");
            Property(ps => ps.DateTime).HasColumnName("DateTime");

You have some errors in your code: 您的代码中有一些错误:

//Change this:
public HashSet<ProductStory> ProductStories { get; set; }
//For this (virtual is needed here, also use ICollection rather than any specific implementation)
public virtual ICollection<ProductStory> ProductStories { get; set; }

//Change this:
public virtual Product.Product Product { get; set; }
//For this (virtual makes no sense here)
public Product.Product Product { get; set; }

And lastly, ProductStory needs a way to keep the reference to its parent Product . 最后, ProductStory需要一种方法来保留对其父Product的引用。 This is what creates the Foreign Key relationship in your database and allows Entity Framework to link the tables. 这就是在数据库中创建外键关系并允许实体框架链接表的原因。 So add this to ProductStory : 因此,将其添加到ProductStory

public int ProductId { get; set; }

If you are still getting a duplicated object (which may happen), ensure you are setting the ProductId to the ProductStory you are saving. 如果仍然有重复的对象(可能会发生),请确保将ProductId设置为要保存的ProductStory

The solution was about Entity Framework "bug/feature". 解决方案是关于实体框架“错误/功能”。 As I add new ProductStory into DataBase, it attaches the whole graph(including all other entities references and recreates them). 当我向数据库中添加新的ProductStory ,它将附加整个图(包括所有其他实体引用并重新创建它们)。 So before commiting new ProductStory , I have to set to null all it's navigation properties to avoid recreating. 因此,在提交新的ProductStory之前,我必须将其所有导航属性设置为null以避免重新创建。

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