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将细胞从Libreoffice Calc复制到Spyder中的IPython控制台

[英]Copying cells from Libreoffice Calc to IPython console in Spyder

This question asks almost exactly what I would like to know. 这个问题几乎准确地问我想知道什么。 However, the accepted answer does not work in the Spyder IDE, because when I press Alt+V the view tab in the menu bar opens. 但是,接受的答案在Spyder IDE中不起作用,因为当我按Alt+V时,菜单栏中的视图选项卡将打开。

Therefore, I rephrase the question: How can I copy the content of cells from Libreoffice Calc into a numpy array in the IPython console in Spyder using the clipboard? 因此,我重新解释一个问题:如何使用剪贴板将来自Libreoffice Calc的单元格内容复制到Spyder的IPython控制台的numpy数组中?

( Spyder developer here ) After copying your data in Calc, you need to focus the Variable Explorer, do a right click on an empty space on it to get this menu: Spyder开发人员在这里 )在Calc中复制数据后,您需要关注Variable Explorer,右键单击它上面的空白区域以获取此菜单:

Variable Explorer上下文菜单

and then select Paste . 然后选择粘贴

After that you will get this dialog 之后,您将获得此对话框


and when pressing Next , you'll be able to import it in the current IPython console as a Numpy array: 当按下Next时 ,您将能够在当前的IPython控制台中将其作为Numpy数组导入:


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