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Mapbox Android SDK第三方矢量拼贴

[英]Mapbox Android SDK Third Party Vector Tiles

I've been using Mapbox's Android SDK for a prototype and was wondering if anyone knows how to use a vector tile map that is not from Mapbox's servers. 我一直在使用Mapbox的Android SDK作为原型,并且想知道是否有人知道如何使用不是来自Mapbox服务器的矢量平铺地图。 For example, I want to load Mapzen or even OpenMapTiles vector tile maps using Mapbox's Android SDK without much difference versus loading Mapbox's default map styles. 例如,我想使用Mapbox的Android SDK加载Mapzen甚至OpenMapTiles矢量切片地图,而与加载Mapbox的默认地图样式没有太大区别。

You could do this using MapView#setStyleUrl . 您可以使用MapView#setStyleUrl进行此操作。

First create mapzen.json in your assets/ directory with this simple style (be sure to replace YOUR_MAPZEN_API_KEY with your real key) https://mapzen.com/developers/sign_up 首先以这种简单的样式在您的assets/目录中创建mapzen.json (确保将您的真实密钥替换为YOUR_MAPZEN_API_KEYhttps://mapzen.com/developers/sign_up

"version": 8,
"sources": {
"osm": {
    "type": "vector",
    "tiles": ["https://vector.mapzen.com/osm/all/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt?api_key=[YOUR_MAPZEN_API_KEY]"]
"layers": [{
   "id": "background",
   "type": "background",
   "paint": {
       "background-color": "#41afa5"
}, {
   "id": "water",
   "type": "fill",
   "source": "osm",
   "source-layer": "water",
   "filter": ["==", "$type", "Polygon"],
   "paint": {
   "fill-color": "#3887be"

Then set the custom style on your MapView : 然后在您的MapView上设置自定义样式:


And finally, load the map: 最后,加载地图:

mapView.getMapAsync(new OnMapReadyCallback() {
  public void onMapReady(MapboxMap mapboxMap) {
    //customize map

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