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[英]Changing class dynamically in AngularJS

I'm working on this project where I want to incorporate these icons . 我正在这个项目中工作,我想合并这些图标 I'm very new to AngularJS so if you can please breakdown your answers that would be greatly appreciated. 我是AngularJS的新手,所以如果您可以分解您的答案,将不胜感激。

And I'm working with OpenWeatherMap API where I want to show the appropriate icons based on the current weather description. 我正在使用OpenWeatherMap API,我想根据当前天气描述显示适当的图标。 For future steps, I want to add a switch statement for all of the different options, but I can't even make it work with a single option. 对于以后的步骤,我想为所有不同的选项添加一个switch语句,但是我什至无法使其与单个选项一起使用。

In github repository, it states "The icons are displayed by using an i element and adding the base class wi and then the icon class you want, such as day-sunny. This then looks like <i class="wi wi-day-sunny"></i> ." 在github存储库中,它声明“通过使用i元素并添加基类wi以及所需的图标类(例如day-sunny)来显示图标。然后看起来像<i class="wi wi-day-sunny"></i> 。”

app.js app.js

var classApp= angular.module('weatherApp', []); var classApp = angular.module('weatherApp',[]);

classApp.controller('weatherCtrl', function($scope, $http){
  var vm = $scope;

  vm.lat= data.lat;
 var apiKey=  "key"; //removed key
 var openWeatherURL = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat="+ vm.lat + "&lon="+vm.lon+ "&appid=" +apiKey;


**vm.weatherClass= "wi wi-owm-731"; //USING THIS LINE FOR NOW**

// Hour between sunset and sunrise being night time
var night = false;
**vm.weatherClass2 =  $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-showers");**

        //function that gets icon based on description

          // if(data.weather[0].id >= 200 && data.weather[0].id < 300){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-thunderstorm");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id >= 300 && data.weather[0].id < 400){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-sprinkle");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id >= 500 && data.weather[0].id < 600){
          //   if(data.weather[0].id == 500 || data.weather[0].id >= 520){
          //     $("#icon").attr("class", "wi wi-rain")
          //   }
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-showers");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id >= 600 && data.weather[0].id < 700){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-snow");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id >= 700 && data.weather[0].id < 800){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-fog");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id == 800){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-day-sunny");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id == 801){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-day-sunny-overcast");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id == 802){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-day-cloudy");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id == 803 || data.weather[0].id == 804){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-cloudy");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id == 900){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-tornado");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id == 901 || data.weather[0].id == 960 || data.weather[0].id == 961){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-thunderstorm");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id == 902 || data.weather[0].id == 962){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-hurricane");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id == 903){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-snowflake-cold");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id == 904){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-hot");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id == 905){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-strong-wind");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id == 906){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", " wi wi-hail");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id == 951){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", "wi wi-day-sunny");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id >= 952 && data.weather[0].id <= 956){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", "wi wi-windy");
          // }

          // if(data.weather[0].id >= 957 && data.weather[0].id <= 959){
          //   $("#icon").attr("class", "wi wi-strong-wind");
          // }



index.html 的index.html

<body ng-app="weatherApp" ng-controller="weatherCtrl" class= "text-center info">

<i id="weatherClass2"></i>
<i class="wi wi-owm-731" style="font-size: 75px"></i>//works when it's explicitly stated
<i ng-class="weatherClass" style="font-size: 75px"></i>//trying to call this class
<i id="icon"></i> //trying to call weatherClass2 back in app.js


I've been trying various ways, to change the icon dynamically but I'm stuck. 我一直在尝试各种方法来动态更改图标,但是我遇到了麻烦。 Can anyone please provide inputs? 谁能提供意见? Thank you! 谢谢!

I think what you need is ng-class. 我认为您需要的是ng级。

Here is a good example of how to use ng-class: https://www.w3schools.com/angular/tryit.asp?filename=try_ng_ng-class 这是一个如何使用ng-class的好例子: https : //www.w3schools.com/angular/tryit.asp?filename= try_ng_ng-class

The basic idea is that 基本思想是

  1. you can use $scope.yourVar to define a variable. 您可以使用$ scope.yourVar定义变量。
  2. change the variable to the class name you desire. 将变量更改为所需的类名称。
  3. change your i tag to something like this: <i ng-class="yourVar"> 将您的i标签更改为以下内容:<i ng-class =“ yourVar”>

'ng-class' directive helps to add or remove CSS classes based on AngularJS variables. “ ng-class”指令有助于基于AngularJS变量添加或删除CSS类。

If you have variables in a controller as 如果您在控制器中有变量

$scope.setBold = false;
$scope.setItalic = true;
$scope.setUnderline = true;

You can set them in a HTML control like 您可以在HTML控件中设置它们,例如

<div ng-class="{toBold: setBold, toItalic: setItalic, toUnderline: setUnterline}">

CSS classes CSS类

.toBold { }
.toItalic { }
.toUnderline { }

As setBold is false, setItalic and setUnderline are true the above div would evaluavate to 由于setBold为false,setItalic和setUnderline为true,因此上述div将评估为

<div class="setItalic setUnderline"></div>

Like this for icon, 像这样的图标,

<i class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-plus-circle': !expand, 'fa-minus-circle': expand}">

Here expand is a variable. 在这里,expand是一个变量。 fa-plus-circle and fa-minus-circle are font awesome icons. fa-plus-circle和fa-minus-circle是字体很棒的图标。 Based on expand value either of this icon will be displayed. 根据扩展值,将显示该图标中的任何一个。

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