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[英]Property 'platform' is declared but never used

Why I got this warning by tslint? 为什么我通过tslint得到这个警告?

Package name: io.ionic.starter
[18:37:16]  tslint: s:/IonicProject/VerificheNawi/src/pages/home/home.ts, line: 14
        Property 'platform' is declared but never used.

  L14:    constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, private platform: Platform, public splash: SplashScreen) {
  L15:      platform.ready().then(()  => {

As you can see, L15 use platform... I wonder if there is something I didn't yet understood about injection. 正如你所看到的,L15使用平台......我想知道是否有一些我还没有理解注射的东西。

The problem is the line number 14. So try with this: 问题是第14行。所以试试这个:

constructor(platform: Platform, public navCtrl: NavController, public splash: SplashScreen) {

by omitting the private keyword for the platform in the constructor, we're telling Typescript not to create a property for it, in this component. 通过在构造函数中省略平台的private关键字,我们告诉Typescript 不要在此组件中为它创建属性

Why? 为什么? Since you're using the platform like this: platform.ready... you're not using the property from the component, but the parameter from the constructor . 因为你正在使用这样的平台: platform.ready... 你没有使用组件中的属性,而是使用构造函数中的参数

So as I see it, you could fix that in two ways: 所以我看到它,你可以通过两种方式解决这个问题:

  1. Remove the private keyword next to the platform, in the constructor , in order to not create a property in the component, and just use the platform parameter. constructor删除平台旁边的private关键字,以便不在组件中创建属性,只需使用platform参数。
  2. Change platform.ready().then(...) by this.platform.ready().then(..) to use the property from the component (by using the this keyword). 通过this.platform.ready().then(..)更改platform.ready().then(...)以使用组件中的属性(通过使用this关键字)。

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