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[英]Inverse line graph year count matplotlib pandas python

I'm trying to create a lineplot of the count of three different groups ie desktop, mobile & tablet with the x axis having the years of 2014, 2015 and 2016 but I am getting the error 我正在尝试创建三个不同组(即台式机,移动设备和平板电脑)数量的线图,x轴的年份分别为2014年,2015年和2016年,但出现错误

my code is currently: 我的代码当前是:

#year-by-year change
desktop14 = od.loc[(od.Account_Year_Week >= 201401) & (od.Account_Year_Week <= 201453) & (od.online_device_type_detail == "DESKTOP"), "Gross_Demand_Pre_Credit"]
desktop15 = od.loc[(od.Account_Year_Week >= 201501) & (od.Account_Year_Week <= 201553) & (od.online_device_type_detail == "DESKTOP"), "Gross_Demand_Pre_Credit"]
desktop16 = od.loc[(od.Account_Year_Week >= 201601) & (od.Account_Year_Week <= 201653) & (od.online_device_type_detail == "DESKTOP"), "Gross_Demand_Pre_Credit"]
mobile14 = od.loc[(od.Account_Year_Week >= 201401) & (od.Account_Year_Week <= 201453) & (od.online_device_type_detail == "MOBILE"), "Gross_Demand_Pre_Credit"]
mobile15 = od.loc[(od.Account_Year_Week >= 201501) & (od.Account_Year_Week <= 201553) & (od.online_device_type_detail == "MOBILE"), "Gross_Demand_Pre_Credit"]
mobile16 = od.loc[(od.Account_Year_Week >= 201601) & (od.Account_Year_Week <= 201653) & (od.online_device_type_detail == "MOBILE"), "Gross_Demand_Pre_Credit"]
tablet14 = od.loc[(od.Account_Year_Week >= 201401) & (od.Account_Year_Week <= 201453) & (od.online_device_type_detail == "TABLET"), "Gross_Demand_Pre_Credit"]
tablet15 = od.loc[(od.Account_Year_Week >= 201501) & (od.Account_Year_Week <= 201553) & (od.online_device_type_detail == "TABLET"), "Gross_Demand_Pre_Credit"]
tablet16 = od.loc[(od.Account_Year_Week >= 201601) & (od.Account_Year_Week <= 201653) & (od.online_device_type_detail == "TABLET"), "Gross_Demand_Pre_Credit"]

devicedata = [["Desktop", desktop14.count(), desktop15.count(), desktop16.count()], ["Mobile", mobile14.count(), mobile15.count(), mobile16.count()], ["Tablet", tablet14.count(), tablet15.count(), tablet16.count()]]
df = pd.DataFrame(devicedata, columns=["Device", "2014", "2015", "2016"]).set_index("Device")



I want to make each of the lines the Device types and the x axis showing the change in year. 我想使每一行的设备类型和x轴显示年份的变化。 How do I do this - (essentially reversing the axis). 我该怎么做-(基本上是反转轴)。

any help is greatly appreciated 任何帮助是极大的赞赏

Just do 做就是了


Result will be something like this: 结果将是这样的:


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