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适用于Android的VS Emulator上运行API Level 24+(Hyper-V)

[英]Running API Level 24+ on VS Emulator for Android (Hyper-V)

I have been using the Visual Studio Emulator for Android to test my Xamarin apps and I am very impressed with the performance of Hyper-V over HAXM. 我一直在使用Visual Studio Emulator for Android来测试我的Xamarin应用程序,而且我对Hyper-V在HAXM上的性能印象非常深刻。 However I can't seem to find any options for emulating anything past 6.0 API Level 23: 但是我似乎无法找到任何模拟超过6.0 API Level 23的选项:


Is there any way to download additional system images for API levels greater than 23? 有没有办法为API级别大于23下载其他系统映像?

According to this and corroborated here , there will be no support for levels above 23 and they recommend that use the improved emulator that comes with the Android SDK. 根据这一点 证实 ,将不支持23以上的级别,他们建议使用Android SDK附带的改进的模拟器。 Here's the quote: 这是引用:

From Microsoft: 来自微软:

Hello, 你好,

This is an automated message. 这是一条自动消息。 Unfortunately, we have no plans to publish Android images past 4.4. 很遗憾,我们没有计划在4.4之前发布Android图片。 We recommend that you try Google or GenyMotion's emulator for future images of the Android operating system. 我们建议您尝试使用Google或GenyMotion的模拟器来获取Android操作系统的未来图像。

When we first released the Visual Studio Android emulator, the Google emulator was slow, out-of-date, and a significant source of pain for mobile developers. 当我们第一次发布Visual Studio Android模拟器时,Google模拟器速度很慢,过时,并且是移动开发人员的一个重要难题。 In addition to the great work performed by GenyMotion, the Visual Studio Android Emulator proved that emulators can be fast, productive tools for mobile development. 除了GenyMotion所做的出色工作外,Visual Studio Android Emulator还证明了仿真器可以成为移动开发的快速,高效的工具。

Since then, Google has responded to developer feedback by increasing their investment in their tools. 从那时起,Google通过增加对其工具的投资来回应开发人员的反馈。 The next generation Google Android Emulator has closed the feature gap that previously differentiated Visual Studio's emulator. 下一代谷歌Android模拟器已经缩小了以前区分Visual Studio模拟器的功能差距。 Google's emulator has become much faster and more feature rich. 谷歌的模拟器变得更快,功能更丰富。

We also know that, for mobile developers, authenticity is key. 我们也知道,对于移动开发者来说,真实性是关键。 We believe that Google, as the platform owner, is best positioned to provide ongoing support for new versions of the platform in a way that accurately and authentically reflects the real-world behavior on devices. 我们认为,作为平台所有者,Google最有能力以准确,真实地反映设备实际行为的方式为新版平台提供持续支持。

For developers like you who've come to love and depend on the VS Android Emulator, thank you! 对于那些喜欢和依赖VS Android模拟器的开发人员,谢谢! We will continue to support in-market platform images according to Visual Studio's generous support policy. 我们将继续根据Visual Studio的慷慨支持政策支持市场平台图像。 However, Microsoft will no longer produce new Android images for the VS Android Emulator. 但是,Microsoft将不再为VS Android Emulator生成新的Android映像。 We consider this a successful project that has come to a natural conclusion. 我们认为这是一个已经得出自然结论的成功项目。

Happy coding! 快乐的编码!

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