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无法将if / else语句合并到JSON响应中

[英]Can't incorporate if/else statement into JSON response

Pulling data from a API and displaying IMG's from it. 从API提取数据并从中显示IMG。

I'm trying to incorporate a if/else statement that essentially display's photos if the search term has data from the response, and if it doesn't then display text saying no results. 我正在尝试合并一个if / else语句,如果搜索项包含响应中的数据,则该if / else语句本质上显示照片,如果没有,则显示没有结果的文本。

Currently it displays the photos if there is a JSON result, but still doesn't display text/consolelog if there isn't. 当前,如果有JSON结果,它将显示照片,但如果没有,则不会显示文本/控制台。 I don't understand why it isn't hitting the else statement. 我不明白为什么它没有达到else语句。

Here is the code. 这是代码。 I can't do a codepen since it will have my API key. 我无法执行Codepen,因为它将具有我的API密钥。 Is there something obvious I'm not seeing? 有什么明显的我没看到吗? This should be so simple and easy to do, yet I can't. 这应该是如此简单和容易,但是我做不到。

// Search for Photos

$('form').submit(function (e) {
    // API Calls
    let input = document.getElementById("search").value;
    let $submitButton = $('#submit');
    let searchPhoto = API + 'search/photos?' + client_id + '&page=1&query=' + input;

    // Ajax part
    $.getJSON(searchPhoto, function (response) {

        // Create beginning of Bootstrap card
        let photoHTML = '<div class="col-12 col-sm-12">';

        if (response.length !== 0) {
        // Loop over each response photo, putting it into a unique card
        $.each(response.results, function (i, photo) {
            // Card background
            let photoBackground = photo.urls.regular;
            // Download link
            let download = photo.links.download + "?force=true";

            // Create a link to be clicked by the download button
            link = document.createElement('a');
            link.href = download;
            link.download = 'Download.jpg';   // The file name suggestion for the user.

            // Add each card element 
            photoHTML += '<article class="card animated fadeInLeft text-center">';
            photoHTML += '<img class="card-img-top img-responsive preview" src=' + photoBackground + '/>';
            photoHTML += '<div class="card-block">';
            photoHTML += '<h4 class="card-title" id="randomTitle"></h4>';
            photoHTML += '<button type="button"  class="btn btn-outline-primary common_class" name='+download+' id="div' + i + '">Download</button>'; // Create unique ID
            photoHTML += '</article>';

        } else {
            photoHTML += '<p>Sorry dude, please work.</p>';

        // End Card
        photoHTML += '</div>';
        // Put each card into a div

        let currently_clicked_id = '';
        let myID = $(document).on('click', '.common_class', function () {
            currently_clicked_id = $(this).attr('id');
            return currently_clicked_id;

        $('.common_class').click(function (e) {
            // Call download link
            // console.log(e.target.id);
            link.href = e.target.name;


My guess would be response is not empty. 我的猜测是response不为空。 Since you are just looping response.results, i suggest you can use condition if(response.results !== undefined && response.results.length > 0) 由于您只是循环response.results,我建议您可以使用条件if(response.results !== undefined && response.results.length > 0)

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