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[英]How to check whether a device in local WiFi network is connected or not using it's IP address?

I am using MMLANScanner library into my iOS application. 我在我的iOS应用程序中使用了MMLANScanner库。 It's showing me all the devices that are connected to my Local WiFi Router along with the devices that was previously connected to my Local WiFi Router. 它向我显示了连接到本地WiFi路由器的所有设备以及以前连接到本地WiFi路由器的设备。

How I can make decision whether the device IP that I am getting is presently connected to my Local WiFi Router? 我如何确定当前获取的设备IP是否已连接到本地WiFi路由器?

Using Apple's Reachability example here is some code to check the connectivity of a device. 使用Apple的Reachability示例,这里是一些代码来检查设备的连接性。

#import "Reachability.h"

@interface ViewController : UIViewController 
     BOOL isInternetConnectionAvailable;
@implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
     Observe the kNetworkReachabilityChangedNotification. When that notification is posted, the method reachabilityChanged will be called.
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(reachabilityChanged:) name:kReachabilityChangedNotification object:nil];

    self.internetReachability = [Reachability reachabilityForInternetConnection];
    [self.internetReachability startNotifier];
    [self updateInterfaceWithReachability:self.internetReachability];

#pragma mark Reachability
 * Called by Reachability whenever status changes.
- (void) reachabilityChanged:(NSNotification *)note
    Reachability* curReach = [note object];
    NSParameterAssert([curReach isKindOfClass:[Reachability class]]);
    [self updateInterfaceWithReachability:curReach];

- (void)updateInterfaceWithReachability:(Reachability *)reachability

    if (reachability == self.internetReachability)
        NetworkStatus netStatus = [reachability currentReachabilityStatus];
        BOOL connectionRequired = [reachability connectionRequired];
        NSString* statusString = @"";

        UIAlertController * connectivityAlert = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"Connectivity" message:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Status:%@",statusString] preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
        UIAlertAction * ok = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"OK" style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault handler:nil];
        [connectivityAlert addAction:ok];

        switch (netStatus)
            case NotReachable:        {
                statusString = NSLocalizedString(@"Access Not Available", @"Text field text for access is not available");
                 Minor interface detail- connectionRequired may return YES even when the host is unreachable. We cover that up here...
                connectionRequired = NO;

                connectivityAlert.message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Status:%@",statusString];
                [self presentViewController:connectivityAlert animated:YES completion:nil];
                isInternetConnectionAvailable = NO;

            case ReachableViaWWAN:        {
                statusString = NSLocalizedString(@"Reachable WWAN", @"");

                connectivityAlert.message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Status:%@",statusString];

                isInternetConnectionAvailable = YES;
            case ReachableViaWiFi:        {
                statusString= NSLocalizedString(@"Reachable WiFi", @"");

                connectivityAlert.message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Status:%@",statusString];

                isInternetConnectionAvailable = YES;

        if (connectionRequired)
            NSString *connectionRequiredFormatString = NSLocalizedString(@"%@, Connection Required", @"Concatenation of status string with connection requirement");
            statusString= [NSString stringWithFormat:connectionRequiredFormatString, statusString];

            connectivityAlert.message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Status:%@",statusString];
            isInternetConnectionAvailable = NO;
            [self presentViewController:connectivityAlert animated:YES completion:nil];


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