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[英]Copying Macro-Enabled Worksheet from One Workbook to Another 'Run-time error '1004''

I am trying to make a macro that will allow me to drop this very commonly used worksheet directly into the files we need it in. It's a commonly used sheet that I'd like the ability to quickly and easily plop into existing documents to be copied and used frequently. 我正在尝试创建一个宏,使我可以将这个非常常用的工作表直接放入我们需要的文件中。这是一个常用的工作表,我希望能够快速,轻松地放入要复制的现有文档中并经常使用。

I am receiving: Run-time error '1004':Excel cannot access 'Junk'. 我收到:运行时错误'1004':Excel无法访问'垃圾'。 The document may be read-only or encrypted. 该文档可以是只读的或加密的。

This code is modified from another solution on stack overflow in order to be used globally on any document I wish. 此代码是从堆栈溢出的另一种解决方案修改而来的,以便在我希望的任何文档上全局使用。 (that's the end goal here) Code below: (这是最终目标)下面的代码:

Sub foo()
Dim x As Workbook
Dim y As Workbook
Dim z As String
z = ActiveWorkbook.Path

Dim WS As Worksheet
Sheets.Add.Name = "Finance"

'## Open both workbooks first:
Set x = Workbooks.Open("Desired worksheet file path")
Set y = Workbooks.Open(z)

'Now, copy what you want from x:

'Now, paste to y worksheet:

'Close x:

End Sub

At the point of error both documents are open. 在错误点,两个文档都已打开。

Thec code would be like this. 该代码将是这样的。

Sub foo()
    Dim x As Workbook
    Dim y As Workbook
    Dim z As String, FileName1 As String, FileName2 As String

    z = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"

    Dim WS As Worksheet
    FileName1 = "test1.xlsx"
    FileName1 = "test2.xlsx"
    '## Open both workbooks first:
    Set x = Workbooks.Open(z & FileName1)
    Set y = Workbooks.Open(z & FileName2)

    'Now, copy what you want from x:
    x.Sheets("Finance1").Range("A1:G12").Copy y.Sheets("Finance").Range("A1")


End Sub

ActiveWorkbook.Path gives the path of the activeworkbook, you should add the file to it. ActiveWorkbook.Path给出了activeworkbook的路径,您应该将文件添加到其中。 Like this: 像这样:

Set y = Workbooks.Open(z & "\\fileSample.xlsx")

There is one further options for an error - if the ActiveWorkbook is not saved, then it would not return anything. 还有一个错误选择-如果未保存ActiveWorkbook,则它将不返回任何内容。 Thus, check it like this: If len(activeworkbook.path)>0 then 因此,以如下方式检查它: If len(activeworkbook.path)>0 then


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