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[英]Join PDF file with AcroFrom - iOS

I'm trying to merge some pdf files using Quartz. 我正在尝试使用Quartz合并一些pdf文件。 I success with merge, but some files have acrofields and during merge it seems that I lost those fields. 我合并成功,但是某些文件具有acrofields,在合并期间似乎丢失了这些字段。

Does anyone as a suggestion? 有人建议吗? I'm stucked with this problem 我陷入了这个问题

Don't use Quartz for anything that involves PDF form fields or comments. 请勿将Quartz用于涉及PDF表单字段或注释的任何内容。 Quartz just drops any PDF objects that it doesn't understand and drops dictionaries from objects that it does understand but doesn't know how to process. Quartz会丢弃它不理解的所有PDF对象,并从其能够理解但不知道如何处理的对象中删除字典。 It is, by far, the worst PDF processor available. 到目前为止,它是最差的PDF处理器。

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