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Spring Amqp:getRequiredQueueNames方法的目的

[英]Spring Amqp : Purpose of getRequiredQueueNames method

What is the real purpose of the protected String[] AbstractMessageListenerContainer #getRequiredQueueNames() method. 受保护的String [] AbstractMessageListenerContainer #getRequiredQueueNames()方法的真正目的是什么。

Is it for customizing SimpleMessageListenerContainer queue names resolution when overloaded ? 重载时是否可以自定义SimpleMessageListenerContainer队列名称解析?

This method is obsolete since version 1.7 ( AMQP-672 ) and can be removed (it will be in 2.0). 从1.7版( AMQP-672 )开始,此方法已过时,可以删除(在2.0版中)。

Before version 1.7, the container would not start if no queues were defined. 在1.7版之前,如果未定义队列,则容器不会启动。 You can now start the container with no queues; 现在,您可以在没有队列的情况下启动容器。 you can add them later. 您可以稍后添加它们。

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