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[英]React, is there a way to avoid needing to wrap a div inside a div?

I have the following: 我有以下几点:

const errorMessage = ({meta}) =>
    {meta.error && meta.touched && <div className="alert alert-info" role="alert">{meta.error}</div>}

If I remove the outer div wrapper in the above I get an error... Is there a way to get errorMessage to work without the extra DIV? 如果我在上面删除了外部div包装器,则会收到错误消息...有没有办法让errorMessage在没有额外DIV的情况下工作?

Thanks 谢谢

You can write it like this by using {} : 您可以使用{}来这样写:

const ErrorMessage = ({meta}) => {

    if(meta.error && meta.touched)
        return <div className="alert alert-info" role="alert">{meta.error}</div>

    return null;

Or remove the outer div and remove the {} also, use ternary operator to put the condition, like this: 或者删除外部div并同时删除{} ,使用ternary operator放置条件,如下所示:

const ErrorMessage = ({meta}) => meta.error && meta.touched ? 
    <div className="alert alert-info" role="alert">{meta.error}</div>
    : null;

You need to use ErrorMessage instead of errorMessage , check the reason here: 您需要使用ErrorMessage而不是errorMessage ,在这里检查原因:

Html is not rendering in the browser - React js HTML未在浏览器中呈现-React js

Check this answer why it was failing when you removed the outer div : 检查以下答案,为什么在删除外部div时失败:

const errorMessage = ({meta}) => 
    {meta.error && meta.touched && <div className="alert alert-info" role="alert">{meta.error}</div>}

You can write like this : 您可以这样写:

const errorMessage = ({meta}) => {
return (meta.error && meta.touched) ? `<div className='alert alert-info' role='alert'>${meta.error}</div>` : null

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