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[英]react-d3-component implement in create-react-app

I'm new to react. 我是新来的。 By my research, I figured out that React-D3-component can serve my purpose. 通过研究,我发现React-D3组件可以达到我的目的。

I'm looking for an example of a Multi-series Line chart with tooltip and zoomable function. 我正在寻找带有工具提示和可缩放功能的多系列折线图的示例。 Basic line chart would also make this trick for my first steps. 基本的折线图也可以帮助我完成第一步。

I've a create-react-app, boilerplate ready. 我已经准备好一个create-react-app样板。 I need to put up this graph into a create-react-app project. 我需要将此图放入一个create-react-app项目中。

Please guide me through an example, which explains step by step how to implement this kind of graph. 请通过示例指导我,该示例​​逐步说明了如何实现这种图形。

Here are a few steps to do in order to make your app work: 为了使您的应用正常工作,请执行以下几个步骤:

  1. Config your create-react-app boiler plate with Webpack and make sure you can run it without React-D3-component module. 使用Webpack配置您的create-react-app样板,并确保您可以在没有React-D3-component模块的情况下运行它。

  2. Find the homepage component (normally main.js) try to modify some basic HTML elements and see if you can see the changes on page with hot-reloading. 找到主页组件(通常为main.js),尝试修改一些基本的HTML元素,并查看是否可以通过热重载看到页面上的更改。 For instance, adding a H1 red tag. 例如,添加一个H1红色标签。

  3. Install React-D3-component module with npm command: 使用npm命令安装React-D3-component模块:

     npm install react-d3-components --save 
  4. Start adding React-D3-component into your homepage component you just modified by importing the module: 通过导入模块,开始将React-D3-component添加到刚修改的主页组件中:

     import ReactD3 from 'react-d3-components' 
  5. Follow the example here , and create your chart components in your homepage. 按照此处的示例,并在主页中创建图表组件。

This workflow should work for any React modules for testing purposes. 此工作流程应可用于任何React模块以进行测试。

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