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[英]Angularjs Unexpected token JSON

I have a problem with angularjs and JSON. 我对angularjs和JSON有问题。

This is my code. 这是我的代码。

list_user.jsp (this is the page where I print the table) list_user.jsp(这是我打印表格的页面)

<tr ng-repeat="per in persons">
  <td>{{ per.user }}</td>
  <td>{{ per.password }}</td>
  <td>{{ per.profile }}</td>

controller.js controller.js

      method : 'POST',
      url : 'views/user/user.json'
      $scope.persons = data;

user.json user.json

            "user": "Quarterback",
            "password": 5,
            "profile": "ppp"        
            "user": "Wide Receiver",
            "password": 89,
            "profile": "oooo"

This way the table is generated correctly, but the json is fixed. 这样表可以正确生成,但是json是固定的。 Now I'll paste the code with which I want to print the data by taking them from a query 现在,我将通过从查询中获取数据来粘贴要用于打印数据的代码

controller.js controller.js

        method : 'POST',
        url : 'views/user/user.jsp'

        var jsonStr="your json string";
        var json=JSON.stringify(data);
        $scope.persons = data;

The code between / * .. * / left them to show that I also tried that road without success. / * .. * /之间的代码使它们表明我也曾尝试过这条路,但没有成功。

user.jsp user.jsp

JSONArray jdata = new JSONArray(); 
UserRest as = new UserRest();
jdata = as.getAll();
logger.info("jdata in user.jsp "+jdata);

UserRest.class (just paste the code where I create the JSON) UserRest.class(只需将代码粘贴到创建JSON的位置)

 while (iter.hasNext()) {
      User ut = (User) iter.next();
      JSONObject jtemp = new JSONObject();
      jtemp.put("user", ut.getUserName());
      jtemp.put("password", ut.getPassword());
      jtemp.put("profilo", ut.getProfilo());
    return  jarray;

the result of logger.info("jdata in user.jsp "+jdata) in user.jsp user.jsp中logger.info(“ user.jsp中的jdata” + jdata)的结果

jdata in user.jsp [{"user":"aaaaaaa","password":"1111111","profile":"0"},{"user":"bbbbbbbb","password":"222222222","profile":"1"}]

As you can see the json looks the same, but when in the browser I call the list_user.jsp page in the console the value "data" in controller.js returns me 如您所见,json看起来一样,但是当我在浏览器中在控制台中调用list_user.jsp页面时,controller.js中的“ data”值返回了我

 <? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>

I also tried with JSON.parse or JSON.stringify but it does not work. 我也尝试使用JSON.parse或JSON.stringify,但是它不起作用。 I also added "track by $ index" here: 我还在这里添加了“按$索引跟踪”:

<tr ng-repeat = "for people track by $ index">

in list_user.jsp but it does not work. 在list_user.jsp中,但是它不起作用。

Please help me because I do not know how to do it anymore. 请帮助我,因为我不知道该怎么办了。

Well, your problem appears to be that you should call a SERVICE, not a jsp. 好吧,您的问题似乎是应该调用SERVICE,而不是jsp。

A JSP builds a new web page for you and so it will put that: JSP为您构建了一个新的网页,因此它将包含以下内容:

< ? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >

Try doing, instead a jsp, a servlet (or use JAX-RS, as you prefer) and putting you logic inside the 'doGet' method (again, or use JAX-RS). 尝试代替jsp来做一个servlet(或根据需要使用JAX-RS),然后将逻辑放入“ doGet”方法内(再次使用JAX-RS)。

Do a simple thing, like 做一个简单的事情,像

 protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest arg0, HttpServletResponse arg1) throws ServletException, IOException {
response.getWriter().append(your working JSON properly hardcoded);

This way should work. 这种方法应该可行。 Then put your service logic there. 然后将您的服务逻辑放在这里。

Thank you very much @inigoD , I solved my problem. 非常感谢@inigoD ,我解决了我的问题。 Following the new code. 遵循新代码。

controller.js (UserRest is the servlet) controller.js(UserRest是servlet)

        method : 'POST',
        url : 'UserRest'
        $scope.persons = data;

web.xml web.xml

        <servlet-class>"path application".UserRest</servlet-class>

UserRest.class UserRest.class

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
            JSONArray jdata = new JSONArray();
            jdata = getAll();

            logger.info("prima del response "+jdata);


        catch ( Exception ex )

The function getAll() Is the same as I had pasted on, which contained this code. 函数getAll()与我粘贴的相同,其中包含以下代码。

while (iter.hasNext()) {
      User ut = (User) iter.next();
      JSONObject jtemp = new JSONObject();
      jtemp.put("user", ut.getUserName());
      jtemp.put("password", ut.getPassword());
      jtemp.put("profilo", ut.getProfilo());
    return  jarray;

I resolve the problem with servlet, but I would like call a REST api. 我解决了servlet的问题,但是我想调用REST api。 I prefer don't use the servlet. 我更喜欢不要使用servlet。 I change my code. 我更改代码。

controller.js controller.js

        method : 'GET',
        url : '/api/utenti' 
        $scope.persons = data;

web.xml web.xml


UtentiController.class UtentiController.class

public class UtentiController {

    public JSONArray getAll() {
       /* call the interface that return a json */

       return jarray;

the error in the console is: 控制台中的错误是:

HTTP Status [404] – [Not Found]

Type Status Report

Message /api/utenti/

Description The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.

Thanks for your help 谢谢你的帮助

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