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[英]Access every Flask array elements and Display to html with JavaScript

I'm a beginner in python and flask, so i want to ask on how can i access the flask array, increments its array index and display it in html by using JavaScript. 我是python和flask的初学者,所以我想问一下如何访问flask数组,增加其数组索引并通过使用JavaScript以html显示。 I managed to access only one of its array and display it but i failed in incrementing its index to access each of its element. 我设法仅访问其数组之一并显示它,但是我未能增加其索引来访问其每个元素。 Below is part of my code : 以下是我的代码的一部分:

Python/Flask 蟒蛇/瓶

@app.route('/Table',methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def showtable():

form = InputForm2(request.form)
session['stemp'] = form.istemp.data
stemp = session['stemp']
session['etemp'] = form.ietemp.data
etemp = session['etemp']
session['stp1'] = form.istp1.data
stp1 = session['stp1']

session['spress'] = form.ispress.data
spress = session['spress']
session['epress'] = form.iepress.data
epress = session['epress']
session['stp2'] = form.istp2.data
stp2 = session['stp2']

incr1 = (etemp - stemp) / stp1
incr2 = (epress - spress) / stp2

tps = np.arange(stemp,etemp,incr1)

for i in range(0,len(tps)):
    tps[i] = tps[i].tolist()


return render_template('table.html',stemp=stemp,etemp=etemp,incr1=incr1,stp1=stp1,spress=spress,epress=epress,incr2=incr2,

HTML/JavaScript HTML / JavaScript的

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Please guide me.Thanks. 请指导我。谢谢。

Have a closer look at this javascript code you wrote: 仔细看看您编写的以下JavaScript代码:

for( i ; i < yyy; i++) {
    //alert('{{ (tps[i]) }}'):
    var t = '{{ (tps[i]) }}';
          {temp:t, press:999 } );
     //xyz = '{{ (tps[0 + 1]) }}';
           t = '{{ (tps[i+1]) }}'

Do you see the problem here? 您在这里看到问题了吗? You're probably thinking youre incrementing your i , but there are two i s and they are quite bit different. 您可能在想您要增加i ,但是有两个i ,它们有些不同。 The i in tps[i] gets evaluted by jinja on the server. itps[i]得到服务器上神社evaluted。 The i in the javascript for loop gets evaluated the browser on the client. javascript for循环中的i被评估为客户端上的浏览器。 Jinja will evaluate tps at i and hard codes that in the javascript code. Jinja会评估i的tps和javascript代码中的硬代码。

If you want to send a python array to your javascript, here are two ways. 如果您想将python数组发送到您的javascript,请使用以下两种方法。 You can write the whole array at once like this: 您可以像这样一次写入整个数组:

var tps_array = JSON.parse('{{ tps | safe }}');

and then iterate the array with javascript. 然后使用javascript迭代数组。

Alternatively, you can write a route that returns your list, and ajax that route on your page load to get the array. 另外,您可以编写返回列表的路由,并在页面加载时使用该路由的ajax来获取数组。 That way if the array is huge, your page will not take forever to load. 这样,如果数组很大,您的页面就不会花太多时间加载。

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