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Spring Integration DSL:如何建立单线程缓存通道?

[英]Spring Integration DSL: how to make single-threaded caching channel?

I have the following flow config: 我有以下流程配置:

public IntegrationFlow setupDatabaseFlow() {
    return IntegrationFlows.from(pubSubDatabaseRabbitOutput)
          // WHAT CHANNEL
            .handle((p, h) -> databaseActivator.recordToDatabase(p, h))

and I am willing to insert in "WHAT CHANNEL" place some channel, that is 我愿意在“ WHAT CHANNEL”中插入一些频道,即

  • caching 高速缓存
  • single-threaded 单线程
  • running in separate thread 在单独的线程中运行

What would be the best channel specification to use here? 在这里使用的最佳渠道规范是什么?

Not sure what is the use-case, but that can be achieved with the QueueChannel and PollingConsumer with the fixedDelay policy. 不确定用例是什么,但是可以使用QueueChannelPollingConsumerfixedDelay策略来实现。

  1. QueueChannel uses queue buffer (persistent or in-memory) to keep messages until they are consumed. QueueChannel使用队列缓冲区(持久性或内存中)来保留消息,直到消息被消耗为止。 A-la cache in your terms. 用您的术语表示的A-la缓存。

  2. The PollingConsumer does the poll from the queue using TaskScheduler , therefore separate thread. PollingConsumer使用TaskScheduler从队列中进行轮询,因此使用单独的线程。

  3. Using fixedDelay policy you ensure that the next polling task won't start until the previous has been finished. 使用fixedDelay策略,可以确保fixedDelay一个轮询任务完成之前不会启动下一个轮询任务。 Therefore single-threaded model. 因此是单线程模型。

If you don't like to sleep in between polling task, and end up with the event-driven model, you can use fixedDelay(-1) , this way the next polling task won't sleep after the previous. 如果您不喜欢在轮询任务之间休眠,而最终遇到事件驱动的模型,则可以使用fixedDelay(-1) ,这样,下一个轮询任务将不会在前一个轮询任务之后休眠。 The current polling task does block the thread until the value in the queue. 当前的轮询任务确实会阻塞线程,直到队列中的值为止。


Some code on the matter: 关于此问题的一些代码:

.channel(c -> c.queue())
.<Object>handle((p, h) -> databaseActivator.recordToDatabase(p, h), 
            e -> e.poller(p -> p.fixedDelay(0).maxMessagesPerPoll(1)))

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