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[英]How to access a resource from a java library packed into its own .jar

I have a library project with some resources that I would like to load and use. 我有一个库项目,其中包含一些我想加载和使用的资源。 I would be using this library in another project so I have to pack the resources into the .jar. 我会在另一个项目中使用这个库,所以我必须将资源打包到.jar中。 This is how that's achieved: 这是如何实现的:


The problem comes when trying to retrieve the file, I do: 尝试检索文件时出现问题,我这样做:

String resourceName = "myTemplateResource.json";
URL url = MyClass.class.getClassLoader().getResource(resourceName);

url is assigned a null value. url被赋予null值。 It happens in the library's tests and in the dependant project. 它发生在库的测试和依赖项目中。 Any hint of what is missing? 什么缺失的暗示?

Also tested using 也测试使用




with the same result. 结果相同。

Use getResourceAsStream() method to load the resource from the .jar file as follows: 使用getResourceAsStream()方法从.jar文件加载资源,如下所示:

ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
InputStream inputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(locaiton);

eg: If the file 'myTemplateResourceName.json' is located directly in the resources folder, use only the file name. 例如:如果文件'myTemplateResourceName.json'直接位于resources文件夹中,请仅使用文件名。 It is wrong if you add a slash (/) in front of the path. 如果在路径前添加斜杠(/),则会出错。

InputStream inputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("myTemplateResourceName.json");

Note: You have to place the resource file in the main/resources (don't keep it in the test/resources section since that is not packed in the jar file) folder in the project which is being used to create the jar file. 注意:您必须将资源文件放在main/resources (不要将它保存在test/resources部分,因为它没有打包在jar文件中)文件夹中用于创建jar文件的项目。

There was something wrong with the filename that I was not able to find out. 文件名有问题,我无法找到。 Renamed the file and now it's fine. 重命名文件,现在没关系。

To answer my question: 回答我的问题:

First add the resource to the jar on the .pom file. 首先将资源添加到.pom文件上的jar中。


Then access your file. 然后访问您的文件。

URL url = MyClass.class.getClassLoader().getResource(resourceName);

From there you can get an InputStream . 从那里你可以得到一个InputStream As simple as it looks. 看起来很简单。

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