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如何用Android Room表示嵌套的@Relation?

[英]How to represent nested @Relation with Android Room?

Here is my POJO in kotlin: 这是我在Kotlin的POJO:

data class Pass(var uuid: String,
                var activationRestrictions:List<ActivationRestriction>)

data class ActivationRestriction(var uuid: String,
                                 var activationRestrictionExceptions:List<ActivationRestrictionException>)

data class ActivationRestrictionException(var uuid: String)

How can I represent this nested relation with Room? 如何用Room表示这种嵌套关系? Here is one of the solution, but it does not contain a nested relation. 是解决方案之一,但它不包含嵌套关系。 I am specifically looking for solving a nested relationship with Room. 我特别在寻找解决与Room之间的嵌套关系的方法。

You can use @Relation annotation for POJO classes. 您可以对POJO类使用@Relation批注。

A convenience annotation which can be used in a Pojo to automatically fetch relation entities. 一个方便注释,可以在Pojo中使用该注释自动获取关系实体。 When the Pojo is returned from a query, all of its relations are also fetched by Room. 当从查询返回Pojo时,Room还将获取其所有关系。

Here is the documentation. 是文档。

Also, this answer has more details: Android Persistence room: "Cannot figure out how to read this field from a cursor" 另外,此答案还有更多详细信息: Android持久性室:“无法弄清楚如何从游标中读取此字段”

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