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[英]Vue.js, toggle class on click doesn't work as expected

I'm learning Due and I'm trying something that should be easy but doesn't work and I'm sure there is something I don't understand. 我正在学习Due,并且正在尝试一些应该很容易但不起作用的事情,并且我确定有些事情我不理解。 I have to add a case to a modal... 我必须在情态中添加一个案例...

I simplify the code: I have an array of products from my parent passed the a props and to chunk them in columns I use a computed variabile. 我简化了代码:我有一个由我的父母传递来的道具组成的产品数组,并使用计算的可变性将它们分块。 In the computed variable I also add to my object array an attribute active for every object, and I need to use that attribute to add the class. 在计算的变量中,我还将对每个对象都有效的属性添加到对象数组中,并且需要使用该属性来添加类。

I cannot change the value: when I click the button the product.active value is changed if I look the console but in my template no, it is false. 我无法更改该值:单击按钮时,如果我查看控制台, product.active值将更改,但在我的模板中为false。 Why 为什么

  <div class="columns" v-for="products in processedProducts">
   <div class="column" v-for="product in products">
    <a v-on:click="activeteModal(product)">Pricy History</a>
    <price-history :asin="product.asin" :active="product.active"></price-history>  


import PriceHistory from '../components/PriceHistory'

export default {
  props: ['results','search','maxprice','discount'],
  name: 'product',
  components: {
  methods: {
    activeteModal: function(product){
      product.active = !product.active;
  computed: {
    processedProducts() {
      let products = this.results.map((obj) => {
          obj.active = false;
          return obj;

      // Put Array into Chunks
      let i, j, chunkedArray = [], chunk = 5;
      for (i=0, j=0; i < products.length; i += chunk, j++) {
        chunkedArray[j] = products.slice(i,i+chunk);
      return chunkedArray;

Computed objects update lazy, set the array as a data property then it will update reactive. 计算对象会延迟更新,将数组设置为数据属性,然后它将更新反应性。 Furthermore computed-objects are by default getter-only. 此外,默认情况下,计算对象仅是吸气剂。

You better trigger a method that fills the product array when the component is mounted like this: 最好像这样安装组件时触发填充产品数组的方法:

    export default {
      props: ['results','search','maxprice','discount'],
      name: 'product',
      components: {
        data: function () {
        return { 
         products :[]
      mounted: function(){
      methods: {
        activeteModal: function(product){
          product.active = !product.active;
        processedProducts() {
          let products = this.results.map((obj) => {
              obj.active = false;
              return obj;

          // Put Array into Chunks
          let i, j,  chunk = 5;
          for (i=0, j=0; i < products.length; i += chunk, j++) {
            this.products[j] = products.slice(i,i+chunk);

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