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[英]Excel Macro Query: Hiding Rows based on cell value

Hi I've tried the below code but it doesn't seem to be working can anybody help me. 嗨,我已经尝试过下面的代码,但似乎没有任何人可以帮助我。 I just want to hide rows 3 & 4 when B1 has the text Delete . 当B1的文本为Delete时,我只想隐藏第3行和第4行。 But I want this to run automatically when Delete is entered into B1. 但是我希望在将Delete输入B1时自动运行。

Thanks 谢谢


Something like this should work 这样的事情应该工作

Option Explicit 'Very first line to ensure that variables are declared

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    'check if target address is B1
    If Target.Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) = "B1" Then
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub ShowHideRows()
    If Range("B1").Value = "Delete" Then
        Rows("3:4").EntireRow.Hidden = True
        Rows("7:8").EntireRow.Hidden = False
    ElseIf Range("B1").Value = "Open" Then 'use ElseIf if possible like here
        Rows("3:4").EntireRow.Hidden = False
        Rows("7:8").EntireRow.Hidden = True
    End If
End Sub

Note: This is case sensitive. 注意:这是区分大小写的。 So if you type in B1 delete instead of Delete it will not run. 因此,如果您键入B1,则delete而不是Delete将不会运行。 To make it non case sensitive use LCase() like: 要使其不区分大小写,请使用LCase()例如:

LCase(Range("B1").Value) = "delete" 'string delete must be lower case!

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