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查询()方法中的 Sequelize options.nest 不起作用

[英]Sequelize options.nest in query() method doesn't work

I have a raw query like我有一个原始查询,如

   `select "order".id, "orderCustomer".id as "orderCustomer.id", "orderCustomer".forename as "orderCustomer.forename" 
    from orders as "order"
    join customers as "orderCustomer" on "orderCustomer".id = "order"."orderCustomerId"
    where "orderCustomer".forename ilike '%petra%';`,
    type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT, 
    model: order,
    nest: true,
    mapToModel: true

When I query this in psql I get a correct result set:当我在psql查询时,我得到一个正确的结果集:

-[ RECORD 1 ]----------+------
id                     | 383
orderCustomer.id       | 446
orderCustomer.forename | Petra
-[ RECORD 2 ]----------+------
id                     | 419
orderCustomer.id       | 9
orderCustomer.forename | Petra

The problem is, that Sequelize is apparently not able to form this into an Array of the kind问题是,Sequelize 显然无法将其形成这样的数组

   id: 383,
   orderCustomer: {
      id: 446,
      forename: 'Petra'

Instead I get something like this:相反,我得到了这样的东西:

   id: 383,
   'orderCustomer.id': 446,
   'orderCustomer.forename': 'Petra'

Do I need to include the customer-model in the query's option-object?我是否需要在查询的选项对象中include客户模型?


I logged the result of my query.我记录了我的查询结果。 There is this property _options on all of the returned order-instances:在所有返回的订单实例上都有这个属性_options

   isNewRecord: false,
   _schema: null,
   _schemaDelimiter: '',
   raw: true, // <--------- possible cause?
   attributes: undefined 

Somehow, I cannot set options.raw to false on my query definition!不知何故,我无法在我的查询定义中将options.raw设置为false Maybe that is the reason why …也许这就是为什么……

…sequelize will not try to format the results of the query, or build an instance of a model from the result (see docs > query() > options.raw ) ...sequelize 不会尝试格式化查询结果,也不会根据结果构建模型实例(请参阅docs > query() > options.raw

Any ideas?有任何想法吗?

我正在使用您的解决方案:nest: true 并且效果很好!

[err, rows] = await to(sequelize.query(query,{ replacements: { search: '%'+search+'%', limit: limit, offset: skip}, type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT,nest: true}));

Try it without the不带就试试

model: order,

this solved it for me这为我解决了

Assuming you have the models set up properly,假设您已正确设置模型,

Why not query it using associations, instead of using a raw query.为什么不使用关联来查询它,而不是使用原始查询。 Something like this should generate a similar result这样的事情应该产生类似的结果

  attributes:[/*Columns to fetch*/]
  include:[{model:Model.Customer,attributes:[/*Columns to fetch*/]}]

Also IMO using the nest attributes, wont club across multiple rows returned.此外,IMO 使用嵌套属性,不会跨多行返回。

I had the same issue and made it work this way:我遇到了同样的问题,并使其以这种方式工作:

            `SELECT q.id, q.title, a.id AS "answers.id"
               FROM questions q
               JOIN answers a ON a.question_id = q.id`,
                model: Question,
                mapToModel: true,
                nest: true,
                raw: true,
                type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }

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