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如何从特定字符到swift 4中的字符串末尾获取子字符串?

[英]How to get a substring from a specific character to the end of the string in swift 4?

I currently have a string containing a path to an image file like so: 我目前有一个包含图像文件路径的字符串,如下所示:


I'm trying to retrieve the full name of my image file like so: 2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg 我正在尝试检索我的图像文件的全名,如下所示: 2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg

How would I get the substring starting after the last / to the end of the file path? 如何从文件路径的最后一个/结尾开始获取子字符串?

I've seen questions related to using substrings: 我见过有关使用子串的问题:

  1. Swift: How to get substring from start to last index of character Swift:如何从字符的开头到最后一个索引获取子字符串
  2. How does String substring work in Swift 3 String子串如何在Swift 3中工作
  3. Substring from String in Swift 来自Swift中String的子串

However, the provided answers did not help me with my specific problem. 但是,提供的答案并没有帮助我解决我的具体问题。

I'm sure it may be something very simple, but all I keep getting is the wrong range of substrings. 我敢肯定它可能是非常简单的东西,但我不断得到的是错误的子串范围。

Thanks! 谢谢!

To answer your direct question: You can search for the last occurrence of a string and get the substring from that position: 要回答您的直接问题:您可以搜索字符串的最后一个匹配项并从该位置获取子字符串:

let path = "/Users/user/.../AppName/2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg"
if let r = path.range(of: "/", options: .backwards) {
    let imageName = String(path[r.upperBound...])
    print(imageName)  // 2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg

(Code updated for Swift 4 and later.) (代码更新为Swift 4及更高版本。)

But what you really want is the "last path component" of a file path. 但你真正想要的是文件路径的“最后路径组件”。 URL has the appropriate method for that purpose: URL具有用于此目的的适当方法:

let path = "/Users/user/.../AppName/2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg"
let imageName = URL(fileURLWithPath: path).lastPathComponent
print(imageName) // 2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg

Try this : 尝试这个 :

1) 1)

var str = "/Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/Hidden/data/Containers/Data/Application/Hidden/Documents/AppName/2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg"
let array = str.components(separatedBy: "/")

print(array[array.count-1])    //2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg

2) 2)

let str = "/Users/user/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/Hidden/data/Containers/Data/Application/Hidden/Documents/AppName/2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg"

var fileName = URL(fileURLWithPath: str).lastPathComponent

print(fileName) //2017-07-07_21:14:52_0.jpeg

let fileName = URL(fileURLWithPath: path).deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent
print(fileName) //2017-07-07_21:14:52_0

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